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Posts posted by WinterSown

  1. On 2/7/2018 at 5:29 PM, Peter Charlton said:

    A shame they didnt memory test me prior so they can compare my cognitive functions to what it is now. My main problem though is I feel drunk, as in not being able to walk straight, losing inhibitions, slow to take in my surroundings when I turn my head around. Looking up and down stairs is the most confusing. 

    Exactly how I feel, to me it's like a dissociation-vertigo hybrid. I can't remember how many doctors I have told I feel like I've had a half a glass of wine too much. The EP cut another drug yesterday, now I am off norvasc and we'll start cutting down the prinivil next.

    Last month my husband and I took the train into the city to see a show and while we were on the train I told him that I wished we had worn matching outfits. Same jacket and shirt with jeans or chinos for both of us. He practically sneered that  I wanted us to look like twins but then he got it and understood that I was concerned about getting separated from him in a crowd. If we have on matching outfits it's impossible to forget what the other is wearing.



  2. 17 minutes ago, Peter Charlton said:

    As soon as I was put on Bisoprolol beta blocker, I said it made me feel like a drunk zombie. They took me off beta blockers 11 months ago, but I still feel like a drunk zombie, I never recovered, I see a neurologist next Tuesday. I have found lots of stuff from professional health studies linking beta blockers to cognitive impairment.

    I was on Atenolol, then switched to carvedilol that has now been cut in half. I have felt no difference with any of the drug changes. Good luck with the neuro. I love mine, she helped me build my own educational and creative therapy program to assist the short term memory, dissociation and fog problems. I went through an assortment of brain scans and memory/logic tests so they would know exactly where the problem areas were prior to setting up the neuro therapy.  Memory testing can take up to four hours but it's worth it as they identify your cognitive deficits and strengths. I went to Cushings Institute in Great Neck, NY for the testing. Next time I see the neuro I'll be bringing up that I've noticed sensory overload is now also triggering for and dissociation--these things wane and then swing to the forefront to wane again. I recently went off all supplements and now get my nutrients entirely from the food I eat and drink. I started to have more clarity with a few days of eating smarter.

  3. A couple of months back my cardiologist took me off all supplements, told me I had to get everything from the food I eat and drink. It's been an adventure in eating but I am feeling much better. I choose a lot of fruits and veggies that are high in electrolytes as the basis of my meal, it's been fine so far and I feel like I have more clarity in between attacks. 

    Another great tip he gave me was to scrub my face with epsom salts. Just moisten your palms and touch them to the salts to take up enough to give yourself a scrub until the granules start to dissolve--like 20 seconds maybe--then rinse. The magnesium in the epsom salts is taken in through your skin, it's an almost instant energy boost that lasts a few hours (YMMV). As a bonus, it's a wonderful facial too. My doctor is awesome :-)


  4. 1 hour ago, bombsh3ll said:

    If I only exercised when it was fun, that would be never ;) I exercised out of vanity to look good when I was younger, so I was not unfit, but I never enjoyed it. I wish I had treasured the ability to walk more when I had it though. I dread exercise now having to do it whilst so presyncopal & really have to force myself.

    I listen to music and/or read whilst I ride my recumbent bike. I can only manage a few minutes on the treadmill, and I do wear a polar heart rate tracker to make sure my heart rate doesn't go beyond 85% of my maximum HR for age. You can easily look up the tables for this. Everyone is different but for me, I know I am very deconditioned as a result of POTS (NOT the other way round) and like the peace of mind of knowing I am not working my heart dangerously hard for someone so out of shape. 

    I also find it best to exercise in the evening when my blood volume is highest after fluid & salt loading all day.

    Good luck!

    Three years ago I weighed 60 more pounds than I do now. Losing my appetite is part of my symptoms. I was greatly out of shape. Are you working with a PTD? If you are very complicated, and who of us is not, you might consider to begin a reconditioning program with a physical therapist, your doctors can give you a script. I do not have the capacity to put together a program for myself that takes into account three different PT scripts from three different doctors. I have benefited from being physically brought up in very slow increments while the trouble spots are getting their due. I do get symptoms at PT, generally I just zone out but sometimes I want to hurl or hope I'm not incontinent, I've had drop attacks there. I take a break as often as I want or when the doctor tells me to take a break. I never force myself to do anything because exercise is incremental, if I feel I need to do less I do less, if I want to try to do more I will try to do more, but I stop before it becomes so displeasurable I don't want to go back. I have three different types of balance boards here at home, Easy, Not Easy, and Crazy; depending upon both my energy level and tripping capacity I get on a board of my choice. It's still a challenge but it's still fun--I never take fun out of it. I'm a sucker for cheap, bizarre-print leggings, was wearing a skull head print this morning. Wish you luck.



  5. Please call the doctor's office ASAP and ask to come in sooner because you're not responding to your medication. It's more than reasonable to ask for a sooner appointment so they can adjust your meds now instead of months from now. When you have a sharp change in your drug reactions is can be worrisome and should be addressed sooner than later if just for your piece of mind, adjusting your meds usually gets you feeling better sooner. Which I hope you do.


  6. Put the monitor down, get on the bike and ride for the joy of it, stop before it's not fun anymore. Tomorrow, put the monitor down, get on the bike and ride for the joy of it, stop before it's not fun anymore. Wash. Rinse. Repeat. 

    You want to focus on this making you feel good--favorite music, comfy clothes, something tasty to sip. Stressing yourself out with numbers is self-defeating because stress triggers symptoms. Enjoy the fun of it. 

  7. 12 hours ago, GardenGal said:

    WinterSnow I like your vinegar idea! And am inspired to do some purging of my own. Especially my closet. Those precious seconds standing up just after waking are best spent making a delicious french press of joy then gasping for breath looking for something presentable to wear tucked under the piles of old clothes that I never put on and never get rid of. 

    I just read an article on that this morning: http://allwomenstalk.com/7-steps-to-getting-dressed-in-a-hurry

  8. 4 hours ago, dancer65 said:

    Thanks for sharing the link interesting ! Ilove seeing live performances so inspiring, lucky you !  

    I am a great believer in body mind connection . I mainly teach classical ballet to kids and adults .I have to rest and  have had to adapt my teaching approach to keep running my school. I think it keeps me sane and the slow controled movement keeps me strong and centers me mentally and physically. My cardiologist thinks the ballet made my skeletal pump strong so I didnt faint as much as I should with my BP readings. It is much more stable now with midrodine and I very slowly being able to demonstrate more.

    My syncope nurse recommended Autogenic breathing technique recently. She had just attended a conference and was told many POTS patients have seen improvements since practising this . I have only just started this but I have to say already I haven't got to the end of the first practice because I fall asleep . Great as I do get insomnia 

    Please let me know how session went if you attend 


    I will let you know. The sign up is next month but the classes don't start until March 19. The show was our Christmas show, we don't exchange gifts anymore we get tickets and go see something instead. It takes some planning but we are able to manage with apps.

    I get Drop Attacks, which is fainting while staying conscious (who knew!) but I don't often drop. I am strong enough or I subliminally pick up the pre-signals and I can steady and hold on--that's some of the PT I do. I will look into autogenic breathing, I lost my sleep cycle three years ago. I look like a raccoon today.


  9. 3 hours ago, dancer65 said:

    I have never done chair yoga but I teach chair exercise classes to disabled and mentally disabled clients, it's actually amazing how hard  and how many muscle groups work whilst seated ! I use quite a lot of different equipement to add a challenge and variety. Obviously the chair adds stability and that  sounds a great all round class I hope you give it a go and enjoy it !

    I meditate and practice mindfulness it has helped me enormously this last 12 months  to help me deal with a lot of stress that's been going on in my personal life however not always been that easy to do ! 


    How lucky you are that you can teach, it's a great way to interact and get out. I know Chair Dancing, it's one of the first exercise videos I bought eons ago. I remember how many muscles it awoke. Wow. ow. I've been doing PT for over a year so I think I'm fit enough for it but I get sudden bradycardia, I think the chair is a good idea. 

    This past weekend Hubs and I saw Shen Yun Dance Theater in Manhattan. It was extraordinary show, they spoke about Falun Dafa which they practice--there was even dances about it. This seems like a reasonable ideology with much matching my neurotherapy, and they have exercises to begin too. Mind and body.  They have five exercises here which look very simple, not too much exertion:



  10. My EP tweaks my drugs, my cardiologist tweaks my life, my neuro works on my perception. The cardiologist is the boss, he has now suggested I start yoga as a means to find balance--not only for my wobbling-trip-anytime body and swinging symptoms, he wants inner harmony for me too. 

    We just got a continuing ed flyer from the local school with an eight-night weekly course for Chair Yoga. Participants take the class either seated on a chair or standing behind a chair for support. Class includes breathwork, warm-ups, stretches and poses and conclude with a final relaxation. It's supposed to increase strength and flexibility, improve balance and range of motion. I am supposed to leave feeling peaceful, calm and energized (that's an oxymoron.) Balanced. sigh. 

    I think the chair is a benefit, don't know if I would stand or sit but it's better than having to get down and then do a full stand back up from a mat. Has anyone tried Chair Yoga? It seems very passive and not too sweaty. I never heard of it but it may be fine enough for dipping my toe into the yoga pool. 

  11. I have a squirt bottle of white vinegar I keep on the kitchen sink. I put a few drops of dish detergent in it. I squeeze out a blast onto anything that needs a fast wipe-up. Kitchen vinegar is 5% acetic acid and is a natural way to kill a lot of germs, and it makes quick work of wiping up the stove and counter tops. The vinegar scent doesn't last long. I am now starting to declutter my house. My goal is to toss out one black bag of junk every week, more often if I can. I ask myself would I buy this in a thrift store? No. Would my son like to inherit this? No. So in the black bag it goes. As I toss out junk I may think about some of the memories I had with it but I will make new memories with less stuff to deal with. It's been more than something that makes housekeeping easier simply because I will have less to deal with, it's also a very healing process. Sensory overload is a big trigger for me--less clutter equals less overload and I find things faster too knowing what I have and where it is kept. I'm transitioning from having a life where I could use and enjoy all these things when I was younger and without so many symptoms. I am 60 and we are approaching retirement and I think downsizing is appropriate now too. The house looks tidier and the dejunking has been good for my head.

  12. I have been able to taper down to only a few doses a week, and only as needed. I have vertigo and take valium for the symptoms. Sometimes I must have that medicine. I do think that a combo of neuro and physical therapies with exercise have helped to reduce the occurence of the vertigo attacks. You have to find ways to reduce the need for the dosage before you reduce the dosage. Slowly cut back as you lose your need for the doses.

  13. Eating a nutritious diet and exercising are starting to do more than show, they are starting to have genuine physically beneficial effects. It's been almost two months since I gave up vitamins and supplements for real food and it's working, I feel a lot better. I got up this morning, pulled up my pressure socks and they went up without a struggle. My leggings felt loose too. Just by eating better I dropped a few pounds without trying. Win.
    I went out to walk the dog and all of a sudden, without even planning or thinking about it, I started running down the sidewalk with the dog at my side. I felt like I did 30 years ago when I used to run when I lived in the mountains. After a half-block I went back to walking, not because I was tired, but because I need to work into this a 1/4 block at a time. I have no idea why I suddenly burst into running, it felt so good, I felt so good, and I had the wisdom to quit before I needed to quit. For the rest of the day I've also had a lot of energy. Just juiced up the phone and headphones and am gonna take the dogs for their night walk. I'm not wiped out. Maybe tomorrow I will be but I've enjoyed having a good day today all day long.
  14. 6 hours ago, RC-POTS said:


    3. Your microbes/probiotics in your stomach directly communicate with your brain.   I dunno, but I can hear them complain when they're hungry. 

    5. According to one study I read, there is a 36% correlation between  POTS patients and a gluten allergy.  With most diseases a 3% correlation is considered to be a strong correlation. A 36% correlation is considered extremely significant.

    I can't find the 36% study, can you please share your link or title so I can get a copy. I found this:


  15. I think most of us have digestive issues from poor motility. Losing my appetite and 60 pounds without trying were part of my initial symptoms. They found I have a PEH that cuts my stomach in half and for a while, reasonably, they thought it was the cause of the weight loss but other symptoms could not be ignored and they just found it as coincidental. I do believe that keeping my stomach from any bloat or irritation helps keep it from compressing on the vagus nerve which will cause all sorts of physical mischief. Unlike you I can't have the ease of supplements anymore, the cardiologist wants it all coming from the food I eat and drink--which is great but with a smaller stomach I have to load up on nutrient and electrolyte rich foods. I cut out most bread and starches long before my diagnosis because they made my stomach bloat, I don't like bread much anyway so it was no loss. I have also cut out most meats which take too long to digest.

    While it is individual for everyone of us and how we obtain that is also unique, I do think that stomach and gut health are vital to our energy. Do we want to expend energy digesting a heavy bloating meal or do we want to get energized from that food? This past summer I practically lived on kefir and yogurt for a month to reinvigorate my gut health and it made a difference. Once that kicked in the doctor slowly started to steer me towards better self-management practices. Nutrients are as vital as water and exercise for healing. If you are eating foods that block your path to healing you slow that process. As an example, I get colitis if I have too much fat. I know from experience that eating fried fish or the skin from chicken are going to have me sobbing later on in the evening, it takes three days to stop feeling soar and like I did before I shredded my intestines with grease. This is a half week wasted on not getting better. When it comes to your digestion and you go off your management there will be no mercy. It's really important to take care of your stomach and gut--you have less pain and more energy to start, and with that you can do other things to start getting better.



  16. HI GG, the store was fine, it went okay. Planning is everything. As I get used to the store it's much faster to go through it all, it used to be a Pathmark there and it's now a completely different layout inside. We were able to get around fast, there was no line at the fish counter or the deli and we went right up to a register to check out. I wear Skullcandy Uproar Wireless headphones, they have an adjustable band but more important, the earphones are very well padded and do a great job of blocking out a lot of sound. I got them at BestBuy. 


  17. Sensory overload completely overwhelms me, it can start right away or kick in a half day later but I will be forced to lay down most of the day. Hubs is about to come back from an appointment and he's going to call me when he's on his way. That's my signal to get ready because we are going to the supermarket after he gets home. I am going to take 2mg of valium which is my vertigo medicine, a cup of coffee to pre-empt the migraine (it does sometimes work), and I will put on my headphones. I will take my sunglasses in my purse and if need be put them on in the store. This is a planned trip. I google store locations and it brings up a side panel of the store information including its busiest traffic hours, it's not going to be too busy; I'll wait about five minutes at Stew Leonard's to check-out which is very doable.




  18. I am tired of taking care of stuff I no longer use. A lot I've held onto for sentimental reasons but I just can't put the energy into this anymore. I think it's a visual trigger as well because of sensory overload. For guidance I bought a book called Swedish Death Cleaning and think it makes sense. I am only halfway through the book and I haven't tossed a thing yet but I now have a plan on how to downsize my possessions over the next year. It's not going to be a weekend purge but a gentle excavation room by room. I'm using up my energy to take care of all this stuff and need to downsize so I less things have to take care of and keep more spoons for the things I need. 

    What is 'Swedish death cleaning' and should you be doing it?

  19. Last month I needed to up my nutrition so I joined WW online. I keep my focus on nutrition as a means to help me feel better and it does. Overall I feel much better, my complexion is better, motility is a lot better (yay!) and I have more energy as well. And, because I kept the focus on getting healthy from what I eat, I have also magically lost some pounds without any fretting or worry. I'm there for the healthy eating aspect--it's a different point of view and it's working. It's been good for my head too, it's nice to try out some new recipes and I am making their focus fast to prep with little clean-up afterwards. I hope you start feeling better soon.





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