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Posts posted by lindaf

  1. Dear Jan, I will pray for both you and Jeff everyday and whenever you need help, please feel free to email me and I will give you my phone number. I would be willing to be there for you to talk to 24/7. There are so many new chemotherapy drugs available and ones that have been most successful. I can only imagine what you are going through and know how hard it is to be strong when someone you love so much is so sick. I have been there and only wished it could have been me instead of my husband. I, too was so scared and felt so alone. All turned out well, but the time it was going on was the longest in my life. I, too, am a cancer survivor. You both are in my prayers and I will ask my friends and family to pray also. Love to both of you, Linda

  2. I don't want to look good, I want to FEEL good


    morgan, I know how sick all of you feel on the inside. I can only imagine how depressing this horrible illness is. My niece is more cynic about the doctors than anything else. One day they tell her she will get better and the next they tell her she will probably never improve.She is such a beautiful person inside and out. It is hard to see a young woman with a type a personality so debilitated. She has her moments, especially now with a new baby. It must be such a frightening feeling wondering how you are going to care for an infant when you can't take care of yourself. Sometimes when I see her, she does look good and you can forget for a few minutes how sick she really is. After a half hour, her color gets sallow and I know she is exhausted just from talking for a little bit. Believe me, when I leave, I do alot of tear shedding on my way home. She never complains and only a few times to me has she revealed how scared she really is. My heart breaks for all of you and I pray every night that they will find a cure for all of you. I had never heard of POTS until September. I pray every night that all of you will wake up the next morning and be "normal" and get your lives back. Linda

  3. I think that when someone says you look good, they are trying to be nice and trying to beef up your spirits. When I tell my niece she looks good, I can tell she is very encouraged and feels that maybe she is making headway in this battle against POTS. I know how sick she is and think of her constantly. I pray that all of you will get better. I would never think for a minute that someone isn't sick because of the way they look. When I see color in her lips and cheeks, I am encouraged. More, when I see light in her eyes, I know she is having a good day. It is almost impossible to stay upbeat when your body is so ill. I would hope that the people that tell you that you look good are trying to lift your spirits.

  4. Mary, I am so sorry for what you and your daughter are going through. She is so young to have all of these serious health issues. My prayers are with you and your daughter. I wish we could get more compassion out of some of these doctors. If they suffered only a minute amount that all of you are suffering, they would be on call 24/7 and maybe find more answers. Please let us know how your daughter is doing. Linda

  5. Julie, I think it would be a good idea for your brother to accompany your ex-sister-in-law to the pediatrician and not leave that office until he is satisfied. This poor little guy does seem to be way over medicated and on some serious drugs that can have dire consequences. He is obviously malnurished on top of the way he is feeling. Maybe even your parents could accompany them to the pediatrician. Keep us posted. Linda

  6. Morgan, my sister and I both had horrible groin pains, and it turned out to be pressure from the sciatica. My son just had an MRI and it didn't show anything, but since he as trouble with the sicatica, they contribute the groin pain to that. I could hardly walk straight while I had the pain. Keep looking for an answer. Will be thinking of you. Linda

  7. Patti, I am sure Chrissy will do very well. She will meet best friends there and they will be her support system. She has to be honest with her friends so that they know how to help her if she needs it. Most will be very supportive, and Mom and Dad are close by if needed. She should always have food and drinks in her room in case she is not up to going to the cafeteria. Good luck and God Bless. Linda

  8. Dear Emily, Just remember you are feeling better and improving. Don't get discouraged. Keep resting and when able, do things you enjoy to get your mind off of your illness. Soemtimes a phone call (even if only for a few minutes) from a good friend wil take your mind off of your crummy feeling. Try to stay positive, and rest. Linda

  9. Dear Morgan, I also had horrible groin pain and myob/gyn sent me to a surgeon. He told me it was from my sciatica pinching a nerve that was causing the pain. My sister had the same problem and hers is a disc problem in her lower spine. Find another orthopedic doctor or even a chiropractor. That helped me and the pain went away. Linda

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