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Posts posted by Bigskyfam

  1. My step daughter did half and half at first. Some Classes at school and work at home. It's a great temporary solution emotionally and physically. My stepdaughter has lupus and underwent chemo with steroids. She decided to do all online classes in Washington where she is staying with her mother. She is having a hard time because she doesn't understand her work has issues with the internet and computers and is very distanced from her classmates . I don't have the answer for you just sharing her story. It's tough. Your decision mama... But please seek her input as well.

  2. It gets easier once you go. I compare it to work . My first few days were frustrating physically and emotionally. It does help. My daughter was just diagnosed with lupus . She did chemo/steroids. She started online courses and found it hard to keep up. She us struggling and may not be able to graduate with her class next year. She had the option to do half in school and half online if she had it to do over again I think she would've done that.wouldve helped her learn

  3. Gjensen you sound like a level headed person. I appreciate your comment. I agree with your comment about it being a tool.I wore mine continuously.. Stairs not good, shoveling snow. Not good. Even position changes and the kids driving me was interesting to note the heart rate changes. I'm better off at work without it. I work along with docs and nurses. So I guess that's the safest place to be... Even though they aren't cardiologists ;)

  4. It's been one week since I took my monitor off and put my old watch back on. I've worn it since nov. I'm not on meds. I'm back to work a bit. I took off my monitor at work. I constantly looked at it and I think it might've raised it a bit adding to my anxiety. I have an app on my phone that I use to check it if I'm really symptomatic. I was curious how many of us wear these monitors? I'm sure I'll be swapping out my watches again. But it's nice for the moment. Still having flurries of episodes but handling them a bit better. Until my cycle at least

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