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Posts posted by Bigskyfam

  1. First off... hello! What a great historian you are! I think you'll feel at home here. I've been here for over a year. Autumn gets a lot of us. I am still searching for causes/ treatments. I've been dx with pots by TTT. I've seen a specialist... Hard go geographically... And am being treated by a d.o at the moment. Rougher day today, so I'll post more later on. Love your pic.

  2. So to date I've had a TTT to confirm pots, an echo to confirm a mild aortic root dilation and now a vit d deficiency... All other labs good... Haven't had magnesium checked... My ehlors danlos testing is still pending. I found a Fam prac doc a d.o who uncovered the last 2 diagnosis... Progress is progress. We have to be proactive!!! Here's to a happy healthier new year.

  3. Thx for the reply. I have pots... Awaiting genetic testing for eds... My echo showed borderline last year and mild dilation this year. Wearing my 30 day holter. I think I finally found a doc who is ready to investigate. Glad I switched docs. No stone left unturned I think is the expression

  4. Understand. I'll post more when I'm less foggy

    Rough week after a better summer. My hubby's friends brought their kids over last night... Ages 2/4. My hubby was keeping them occupied. My youngest is 7. I've been diagnosed for a year. Was hard keeping up with them even though I was sitting most if the time

    I had a thought and shared it with my hubby

    What am I going to do if I'm ever a grandparent?

    I don't see it happening soon but we have 5 kids

    This made me sad

    Emotional component is so very tough and touchy

    I'm glad I've got support with you all

    Even though I may not reply or post often

    I always read

  5. I was dx last year After a major bedbound flare. I was working and going to school to be a teacher. I dropped my courses. Went to cardiac rehab started working a day a week up to 2.5... Then changed from back office medical assistant to 4 days a week as a medical record clerk. Sitting more has helped but I'm still symptomatic my quality of life is better. Not quite what I wanted to do but I'm able to work at the moment

    Congrats on your diagnosis, sounds weird to say that but now you have a direction. Lifestyle changes really helped me.

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