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Posts posted by Bigskyfam

  1. I have my backpack! Water, salty snacks and a fully charged cell phone. I live in a small town and things are fairly close. I started with little jaunts to store and such without a timeframe. Hubby and I only have one operable car at the moment, the ol truck is in the shop. I have two teens with permits and that helps on bad days.

    Agreed with momtogiliana, if it's a dizzy lighthead day it may be best to call a friend

    My little guy takes the bus to school. That's a big help!!!

    Good luck. Keep us posted

  2. First migraine tonight. After a normal ct they concocted a variety of meds. Needless to say... I walked in with a migraine developed bad pots symptoms then home to sleep it off. What is intriguing to me is my joint pain is gone. They have me 1 anti nausea, 1 pain, 1 anti inflammatory and a corticoid steroid. Tonight my vitals are norm finally after being tacky and I can think normally. What a day

  3. Glad you found us. To answer the question of lifetime of symptoms... I can't say a lifetime, but a very longtime. My symptoms sounded like yours... Here and there until I had all the symptoms fall of 2013. I'm so glad you are seeing a specialist. I'm looking forward to seeing mine again. I started journaling and grabbed copies of my need recs. Every little bit of info helps. Now that you have a diagnosis... Just know it's only "up" from here... Sending positive thoughts your way.

  4. Interesting. I'm not on midodrine... But could definately see how frustrating and unnerving that would be. I'll search online and see if i can find anything.ive used a compounding pharmacy in the past for meds. Not covered under my insurance but in some cases it was cheaper. I have issues swallowing and they could make some things in liquid form for me. Good luck. Keep us posted!!!

  5. I've seen some cool dogs who bark pre syncope and tunnel under their owners knees to raise their legs... I have a springer spaniel... When I don't feel well, he's right there but doesn't do either of those things. If I'm the bathroom to take a shower and don't feel well he stays with me.

  6. Thanks katybug! I like how your neuro thinks!!! Makes sense. I'm feeling better after rest water and Chinese food... Looking back I see what you are saying... When I first crashed and was diagnosed... My BP was low low low. Now it's better with salt fluids activity and lifestyle changes. I'm on no meds. Have a script for florinef. That's as far as I am today :)

    I do like your choice of words... Ick! That would've explained it well today

  7. Hey guys. What a day. Went to work this am and like a light switch.... HR and BP are erratic!!! Nothing out of the norm... I stayed at work as long as I could... Sound familiar? Then called hubby to get me. So salt, water and rest. Chinese food. For dinner. My BP hasn't been this crazy in a while. I'm used to lower not higher. What about you guys?

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