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Posts posted by steph37822

  1. I hope I'm allowed to post this info, it's completely FREE, and I found it today online and am glad to have something this easy to fill out, and update as frequently as my meds change, which can be daily!! :)

    It's very easy to fill out the form, then you just print it right out.

    here's the link med id Free medical info wallet card

    or copy and paste:


    Just thought some of you could benefit from this. They send you one follow up email if you provide your email address, but I don't think it's a site that will bother people with constant emails to sell stuff.

    Take Care


  2. Ernie I am SO HAPPY that the wheelchair works for you! :D That is really great news! I hope that you will rediscover the world which you've been missing out on!

    Don't get any speeding tickets riding around the streets! :) Hahaha!

    Wishing you many more days like today! You definitely deserve some good in your life! congrats!

    Take Care


  3. Hi Steph, I have Marfan's and by looking at family pictures, and talking to relatives, several people in my dad's family probably had it or have it, but it hasn't been a problem for us. Although a couple of my aunts, and great aunts have had valve replacement surgery because of MVP.

    I simply get an echo done once a year, and see Dr. Grubb and a local cardiologist every 6 months to get my valves checked.

    Many medical historians think Abraham Lincoln had Marfan's, so I always felt like I was in good company! :)

    Do you have it, or your kids? Or just relatives? I know it can be bad in some cases, but my docs don't think it will be any more damaging in me than my joint hypermobility or POTS. It's just something we keep an eye on.

    Take Care


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