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Posts posted by steph37822

  1. Ernie, I am so incredibly sorry for your loss. I think you've had a lot of loss the past few years and it has to be heartwrenching for you. I hope you and your family are able to make it through this tough time.

    I wonder if you are like me, and when your body needs you to, you can muster up the strength to get done what needs to be done, and you can crash later? Also is your husband able to go with you, and you will at least have him or other family members to lean on, so that you don't have to do too much but say your good-byes, and spend time with family? Maybe having your wheelchair will be a great help?

    My uncle died last summer, mom's brother, and my mom is chronically ill as well, but she felt the need to visit him every other day with her other siblings (a 2 hour trip to his house) and she felt a lot of inner peace at being there with him, and being able to say good-bye. My dad and sisters did all they could to make sure my mom and I didn't have to do too much, and I'm glad I was able to attend the funeral as well.

    This is a decision you will have to make, so I am thinking about you, and hoping you are able to do what you think best. If you decide to go I wish you strength and peace.

    If you cannot make it, I do believe your sister and family would understand, and maybe you can do something locally to honor her memory, like planting a special flower, looking at old family photographs, thinking of happy memories, etc.?

    Again I am sorry Ernie, I am thinking of you.


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