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Posts posted by maryfw

  1. Send more prayers. My husband is back in the hospital. He had another attack and he may and I stress may have had another clot but when we went to the hospital his blood was to thick. so he is back on heparin and has been in the hospital since Saturday. Hope to get him home again soon.

    I have used up all my sick and vacation time so I had to come back to work today and leave him and that is very stressful to me so pray for me too.


  2. I am not sure if this is the same but the other night I had a weird time. I was lying down and every LITTLE noise made me jump out of my skin and sent something like an electric shock through my body. I think my adrenaline was in overdrive. Went to sleep and was better after that.


  3. Thank you, we appreciate the prayers. Not only did we have this but my son wrecked my car. My son is fine but the car is not. When it rains it pours. I am thankful that my family is still alive because I could have lost my husband and my son in the same week. I am counting my blessings.


  4. You are certainly not the only one to do things like this. Mine was kind of funny. I take midodrine 3 times a day. My doctor had just prescribed for me a sleeping pill. I made the mistake of putting the sleeping pills in my purse. So at lunch I popped my TWO midodrine. Well 30 minutes later I felt really funny and I thought WHAT HAVE I DONE. I looked in my purse and I had taken TWO AMBIEN. They are almost the same size and same color. I was in LA LA Land at work. My hubbie came and picked me up. I did and said things I dont remember and was close to hallucinating. Scary, Stupid but I can laugh at it now. I DO NOT KEEP MY SLEEPING PILLS IN MY PURSE ANYMORE.

    So dont beat yourself up and just learn from your mistake like I did. I hope you hear from your doc soon and they tell you everything will be fine.


  5. Thank you to everyone who prayed for my husband. He did not just have costochondritis. He had blood clots in the lung and in his legs. We have been in the hospital for 2 weeks. He is much better now but we still have a long way to go. It was incredibly scary and dangerous. They also found a PFO (small hole in his heart) that they plan to close after he gets of the blood thinners. They believe a small clot went through his heart to his brain and caused a small stroke. He are happy to be home.

    So the moral of this story is to keep at it when you believe you have not received the proper diagnosis.

    Be persistant!!!!


  6. I am taking him to the doc tomorrow and asking/demanding that the doctor either put him in the hospital or referr him to someone else. The original diagnosis of Costochondritis made since for a few days when he had chest pain. But it has been two weeks and he is having very little chest pain now so his BP should not still be high from pain. His heart rate was off the charts last night as well. He is hoarse like he has been yelling at a football game. His potassium and creatinine levels have been high. I will find out tomorrow if they are still high.

    Keep him in your prayers that we find out what it is and are able to treat it soon. Pray for the doctors to have wisdom and ears to hear what we are saying.

    Thank you,


  7. anyone have any thoughts on why his Potassium was elevated. I am worried that there is more going on and it is being overlooked. His BP has been up since this started. Today it is 154/104. His bp has always been great. When he went to the ER 2 days ago, his potassium was up, his bp was up and his legs were swollen. I just dont feel like we are getting anywhere. When I asked why his potassium was up they just said, "Good questions". He is being rechecked today but I am just worried. They wont have the results back until Monday.


    Dr Guest. What are the possible causes of elevated potassium?

  8. We spent the night in the ER again last night. The new finding was that his potassium was elevated and we have no explanation for that either. His CPK was normal last night which was what too high last week at the ER. I appreciate your prayers.

    He would feel so much better if he could breathe without so much pain.


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