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Mrs. Burschman

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Posts posted by Mrs. Burschman

  1. Small Update.

    A month ago when I posted this my pulse was going up over 120 every time I stood up. Now on my very worst days, when I stand my pulse goes up to 115, on bad days it goes up to 105, in the last 3-4 weeks, I've had many many readings where my pulse is under 95 BPM. Just yesterday I had a reading of 80 BPM after 10 minutes of standing!!


    That's awesome! I hope you're one of the lucky POTSies who recovers fully. But you have to promise to remember us when you move on to bigger and better things. :P

    Some people do relapse. But others get better and never look back. We just don't hear from them. <_<


  2. I took a dinky dose for about two years. I tried it to reduce the pain from interstitial cystitis. It didn't do anything for that, but it was my miracle drug for anxiety. Later, I found out that it's approved in Europe for generalized anxiety disorder.

    I eventually quit taking it because when I found out that I had POTS, and I wasn't crazy, I wasn't so anxious anymore. <_<

    I don't think it caused weight gain, but Paxil does, and I'm on that.


  3. Does anyone know how to fix this? I used to be when I clicked on a post, I was able to see all of the responses below it. Now, I have to click on each response to see it. It's frustrating me so badly, I almost don't want to check posts anymore. Does anyone know how to fix this?



    Maybe I fixed it. Testing now.

  4. Does anyone know how to fix this? I used to be when I clicked on a post, I was able to see all of the responses below it. Now, I have to click on each response to see it. It's frustrating me so badly, I almost don't want to check posts anymore. Does anyone know how to fix this?



  5. How long have you been on Paxil.All antidepressants do tend to poop out.

    Do you know what kind of POTS you have?

    1. I've been taking it for 15 years. Half my life, almost! Frankly, I think it's more likely that my POTS has progressed than the medication I've been taking for 15 years all of a sudden isn't working.

    2. I don't know what type of POTS I have. I suspect that it's hyperadrenergic, because my sympathetic nervous system strongly predominates. The only thing that doesn't fit that is that I have low, not high, blood pressure.

  6. Hi guys,

    I always feel a little sheepish posting whines on here, since I'm so much better off than so many of you. But I'm annoyed!

    I don't know what happened, but I feel like I did the last time I tried to get off Paxil -- except I'm still taking it! It's almost like the Paxil was controlling my autonomic issues, but all of a sudden, it's not.

    I do NOT want to increase my dose. I'd love to not take it if I found something else that worked. Let's just say that some of the side effects are not pleasant.

    Complicating matters is that I don't have a doctor right now.

    The worst of my increased symptoms right now is severe diarrhea. I do have an appointment with the head of the inflammatory bowel center at Georgetown next month. I'm hoping that doctor can point me in the direction of someone who has a clue about the autonomic nervous system.

    Sorry to gripe. It's just so frustrating! Paxil was my wonder drug, and now, it's just not cutting it!

    Disgruntled Mrs. Burschman

  7. I think it's pretty common that someone will get sick from a virus or other infection and end up with POTS. That's not my case. Autonomic issues have been creeping up on me since I was a teenager -- for no particular reason. Bleah. <_<

    West Nile virus is nasty, from what I've heard. I'm glad you made it through, but sorry you got stuck with POTS!


  8. Bleah! I've been thinking about talking a doc into letting me try clonidine, because it's so obvious that my sympathetic nervous system is constantly in overdrive, and it's sometimes used for ulcerative colitis, which I supposedly have. But I have LOW blood pressure, so I'm not sure what it would do to me.

    Sorry you had a bad reaction. I'm freaked out about trying it. ;)


  9. If it's any consolation, if you passed out, reverting to a supine position would get the blood back in your head, and you'd most likely wake up before someone wheeled you to the morgue! ;)

    I wanted to welcome you to the board! We've all got a ton of weird stuff going on, so I'm sure you will find someone here who can relate to what you're going through.

    Glad you found us! Sad you need us!


  10. Excuse my rant, but you got my "Mommy" juices flowing. YOU are worthy of the best medical treatment possible, Effie. Fight for what you need. We got your back.


    Elfie, your post made me really mad, and I have no "mommy juices." NOBODY should go with untreated pain. That's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. GRRRRR!

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