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Mrs. Burschman

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Posts posted by Mrs. Burschman

  1. I don't suppose you happen to be having any symptoms associated with withdrawal, are you? That might be a clue that plasma levels are dropping out on you.

    Well, I can't really tell. The last time I thought I was having "withdrawal" from quitting Paxil, I figured out that it was actually POTS, confirmed by a tilt-table test. I think they actually have a lot in common.


  2. Thanks, guys. I don't know why I didn't think of that sooner.

    Having diarrhea would also make me feel worse because of dehydration and improper nutrients, so I'm probably getting a double-whammy. And when I don't take my Paxil, I get diarrhea. So that makes a triple-whammy.

    Hopefully, the doctor can figure out what's wrong with my guts and get them calmed down. Bleah. :)


  3. Does Benadryl do the same thing as Sudafed? Benadryl seems to make me tired....Anyone know?



    No, Benadryl is an antihystamine, and yes, it makes people tired. In fact, my brother-in-law, who's a doctor, recommends it for people with insomnia. My husband takes it sometimes.

    Sudafed tends to do the opposite -- get people wired. People who have hypertension aren't supposed to take it.


  4. So late? Wow, Mighty Mouse, I didn't know that you were 98 years old. You look great! :)

    Seriously, though, even if you were 98, you still might be interested in knowing why your body doesn't work like everyone else's does. And getting an answer to your specific quirks. There's a HUGE amount of comfort in having an explanation.

    That doctor is clueless. She should have become a mechanic. Not to belittle mechanics. But bedside manner is less important when you're working on a Honda.


  5. OK, so I've had pretty bad diarrhea since September. Why, I don't know. Going to the gastroenterologist on Monday.

    I've also had a worsening of my POTS symptoms since then. It's almost like I'm not taking my "wonder drug," Paxil, which has been all I've needed to control my symptoms.

    Do you think it's possible that I don't feel like I'm taking my medicine because I'm not? Could severe diarrhea prevent someone from absorbing a medication?

    It would be nice if that were the case, rather than Paxil all-of-a-sudden not working, or my POTS all-of-a-sudden getting worse.

    Whaddya think?


  6. My blood pressure, though on the low side (it's always been lower, even before POTS-no change there) is not my main problem at all. It's the tachycardia. Isn't Florinef mainly to help blood pressure? I'm not sure how I'd benefit from florinef..

    Hey Maisie! I'm glad that all these friendly messages have helped you! :)

    I'm not a drug expert, but I think that Florinef does help with tachycardia because it helps the body retain water. Not having sufficient blood volume can cause tachycardia, if I'm not mistaken. Like the heart's trying really hard to pump the blood around, but there's just not enough of it.


  7. It's a pain, isn't it? It's hard to tell, since dysautonomia can cause such a wide range of fun reactions. :P

    I think it's all in the correlation. If you get a weird symptom right after starting a new medication, it's certainly suspicious. If it goes away after you stop the drug, it's even more suspicious.

    I think it's a lot of trial-and-error. Which stinks.


  8. Maybe those bulging discs are getting worse or the bone spurs bigger--I have radiculopathy and it has been gettng worse since 1999. Don't you love heredity? I am thankful to have a good doctor who is working on putting all the pieces together.

    Bulging discs can DEFINITELY cause numbness and tingling. It happened to my mom. Luckily, hers improved with physical therapy.

    I'm glad you like your doctor, and I hope he figures it all out and helps you heal!


  9. Ramakentesh,

    You are a resident expert on hyperadrenergic POTS. Can I ask a question? Does it always cause hypertension, or is it possible to have hyperadrenergic POTS with hypotension?

    It certainly seems like I might have hyperadrenergic POTS. All of the symptoms fit, except for blood pressure. Mine is low. Very low, sometimes.



  10. Becky,

    Healing thoughts going your way! I understand why you're scared -- I would be, too! But keep in mind that maybe you'll get some answers, and that might make it worth it.

    I had tingling in my feet and hands. An MRI ruled out MS, so I was happy about that. But I know how scary it can be.

    I hope you feel better soon, and get some answers!


  11. If by Adie's pupil you mean unequal pupils, I have had that at certain times. They usually even out eventually. I also have the weird reaction that if I have to have my eyes dilated, they stay that way for a long time. THREE DAYS last time. I looked like I was on drugs! My eye doc said he runs into people that happens to once in a while. Yeah, probably people with dysautonomia!


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