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Everything posted by nicole

  1. Hi, I was diagnosed by my 3rd cardiologist who knows about POTS and actually told me to do some research on my own to help educate me. My symptoms are like yours but I have some months when the pressure goes extremely low. I took the tilt table test and it was negative but the doctor says I have pots due to my symptoms. So try to be patient (and I know it is hard) they will find whats wrong and help you.
  2. Hi Heather, I get a loss of feeling in my left foot. It kinda feels like it is floating, no numbness or tingling. As others said it seems to come when my pressure is low. I am taking proamatine now and I have not had it since I started the meds. Take care.
  3. Thank you all for your feed back, its does help to hear from others going thru it . When I start feeling bad I am gonna come back and read these. Thank you so much Nicole
  4. I am at my wits end. If any of you have any advise or answers for me I would love it. It is so hard to understand what is going on with my body. It has taken the doctors almost 15 years to finally give me a name for my symptoms. Now I have a name and still no answers. I started on proamatine yesterday now up to 7.5mg 3x's I feel good for about 1 1/2 hours then my pressure and heart rate drops (ex: 92/64 62pulse or just now it was 102/60 with a 50) this lasts for about 15 to 30 minutes then I feel good again til the next dose. It was the weirdest feeling I felt out of breath. So I did what I always do, I went in my yard and starting walking and this brought my pulse up to 65. I called the doctor on call and he told me 50 was not dangerous. I want answers from these doctors and they give the bare minimum. I have this major fear of dying since all this started. I am home alone after I drive my child to school which of course makes me have all kinds of weird thoughts and feeling. I would feel better if the doctors would let me know whats up. If you have diabetes they are able to tell you when you are in distress.
  5. Oh, I forgot to mention I tried Zoloft and it gave me the worst tummy aches and raised my pulse (just my experience). My husband who is pots free takes Zoloft for migraines and loves it, it gives him lots of energy.
  6. Hi, I took paxil 20mg for three years and it was great. Some side affects but my pots symptoms were almost non-existant. Sometimes I would take Klonopin when my pressure was low and brought on panic attacks. If you are trying to withdrawal from a benzo (ativan) definitly go slow. Paxil has pretty mild side affects; weight gain, sexual and tired, the plus side is that it brought up my pressure and lowered my heart rate. I would love to go back on it but the doctor wants to try the proamatine with no other meds to see the results.
  7. Hi everyone. I am so glad I found this website. Michelle, thank you for answering my email so quick. It gave me the courage to start my medicine. I just had a few questions: I started on proamatine today 5mg 3x day my pressure was pretty steady at between 102-105/59-72 with a pulse of 69 to 91 before proamatine my pressure would be 80/60 with pulses between 90-150. My question is do these numbers look good? Should I still be doing extra salt. I am kinda lost. My doctor is a cardiologist he just said to take the medicine (10mg 3x day) and see him in two weeks. He is a great doctor he is the one who said I did not have SVT's that I have pots and to go on-line and do research. My primary does not even know what pots is, I live in Jupiter and I am looking for a doctor who has knowledge about pots. Thank you for listening. Nicole
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