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Everything posted by laurab

  1. Hi everyone. I'm new to the forum. I have dysautonomia (OI, GP, likely IST, can't thermoregulate) secondary to EDS and Complex Regional Pain Syndrome. I've been on midodrine for a long time for the OI... I'm largely reliant on a wheelchair anyway because of the CRPS and associate , but without the midodrine I'm almost bed-bound because I faint as soon as I'm upright. I actually fainted and fell while transferring from bed to chair a couple of years ago and fractured my spine in multiple places. Question is - some four hours or so after taking the midodrine, I 'crash'. I get very tired, very cold and shaky, my heart races more than normal. Does anyone else experience this? Laura
  2. Hi Kris - weight gain with gastroparesis is not as uncommon as you might think. I am underweight, but I know several people with GP who are overweight, even obese. My understanding from my GI doctor is that because GP throws the body into 'starvation mode' it grabs onto every spare calorie it can and converts it to fat to aid long term survival. I hate the bloating and pain too, never mind the vomiting...
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