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Posts posted by Jennij

  1. Hi. I'm hoping to go to Mayo (either MN or AZ not sure which I should approach) and I want to make sure I get in. The last time I tried a few years ago, the info my primary care doc sent wasn't sufficient for them to see me apparently. Not sure what exactly she sent/left out but now i'm gathering all the pertinent labs, reprots, diagnoses, etc, and having her just sign off on it. What I don't know is should I request an appointment at Mayo first and then send documents? Also, should I request with a specific doc at Mayo or just Neuro/ANS clinic? Can anyone help me work this out so that I have the best chances of being seen there and getting the most comprehensive testing? Any suggestions would be hugely appreciated. Thank you. J.

  2. I know this is a really broad question but I have an appointment with my primary care doc coming up and she's basically willing to write me a referral for a POTS specialist anywhere (need her ref. for insurance) . Problem is, I don't know where! I have been scouring the forum trying to find a general consensus of some names/leading clinics. I know about Mayo but now see so-so opinions.....anyone have any suggestions. I'm on the east coast but can get to the mid-west by car I suppose. Hope this isn't to general a question. I know there is the list on the Dinet site but I kinda wanted people's opinions/ personal experiences. Thanks.

  3. Hi all. I'm glad to be here after having looked at the forums for a long time and finding lots of very helpful information!

    I have a question about getting help for joint pain and hypermobility. Every rheumatologist I've been to has just prescribed meds for autoimmune disorders and everytime I've tried PT my POTS symptoms have been triggered full force and I just end up feeling worse. How have those of you with joint/ connective tissue issues (i..e. Ehlers-Danlos) been diagnosed/treated?

    Hoping for some answers and relief.

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