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Posts posted by Jennij

  1. I feel like it when I am stressed for ANY reason. My body just can't cope with anything out of my comfort zone with zero stresses. But, I do not have Addison's and my cortisol is never low when tested. It has crossed my mind, however, if there isn't something going on with my POTS that doesn't allow me to have enough cortisol in a stressful situation OR that the cortisol I have somehow cannot be utilized correctly(hmmm, maybe an autoimmune issue?? like everything else suspect of POTS)

    I agree that it seems like my body cannot cope with ANYTHING out of the comfort zone. Even the most minor things stress my adrenal system.

  2. My bloodwork results just indicated that I have high potassium levels and that I have hypothyroid. I tried armour thyroid and it made me feel terrible. Now my doctor is suggesting I take a natural thyroid supplement or synthroid. For the potassium he's recommending a diuretic. I'm hypovolemic though and have problems retaining fluid as it is, is a diuretic the right approach. I'm feeling very lost in all this information, does anyone also have hypothyroid and high potassium? What do you take for it?

  3. Interesting update on the stockings....I switched to thigh high instead of waist high compression stockings and I didn't feel the same dizziness that I did immediately after putting on the waist high ones. Not sure of any real benefit yet though. Definitely felt nerve pain in my legs with them on.

    And now, after just taking them off, my legs look like they do on my worst pooling days! Strange?

  4. Hi all. My doc recommended that I try compression stockings for the pooling in my legs. I put them on for the first time today - Juzo waist high 20/30 - and I'm feeling super dizzy and symptomatic. What strength do others use? Could that be the issue?

    I was told I have hyper type POTS and am hypovolemic but I am confused because NE levels weren't tested, only based on high BP while standing. Can hyper POTS be diagnosed stricty on high BP while standing during TTT?

    How do we know if we should vasoconstrict or dilate? Isn't what I'm doing with the stockings vasoconstricting??

    Sorry if there are too many questions in this one post.

  5. I've just been reviewing my original POTS diagnosis report from four years ago and am more confused than ever. It's saying that my BP was elevated during supine position and that there were large fluctuations of BP and "blood flow" during tilt. My heart rate response to tilt was "exaggerated". The doc's conclusion suggests "evidence of cardiac adrenergic overactivity....consistent with adrenergic cardiac denervation. Findings are consistent with hypovolemia as well."

    So, is "cardiac adrenergic overactivity" the same as hyperadrenergic POTS??

    Thanks for any thoughts.

  6. My symptoms are all made worse with the heat as well! It seems air quality has a lot to do with it for me. Humidity and no air flow makes everything worse, almost no matter what the temperature. Even when I go into a store or something where the air is bad (I.e. musty, stale, moldy, dusty, etc) it brings on symptoms full force. But most definitely, add high temps to high humidity and it's not good!

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