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Posts posted by Mytwogirlsrox

  1. This might be totally unrelated. But in the last six months I feel like my veins are becoming more and more visible. I can see most of them from my shoulder to my wrist, the back of my legs, my feet etc.. It's like I have dark blue highways all over me. I've never in my life noticed this (nor have I ever been to body conscious though) I'm native American also, I'm pretty tan. And I don't have a super low body fat. I'm heavy for me

    Right now 5'5 and 120lbs.

    The first thing I thought of was EDS, but I barely fit the criteria. No one in my family has EDS ... I'm a 2 on the flexibility scale... So I guess it's possible, but I'm thinking probably not. I just don't know why my skin seems to be thinning or my veins are trying to make their way out of my body. I'm finding it so unatractive :(

  2. Chaos-- could you apply that theory to pregnancy and extreme weight loss? I sometimes wonder if all the hormones, weight that was gained and lost quickly threw my body for a loop. I went from 115 to 180 to 110 to 165 to 108 in two years! Had an 11 pound and a 10 pound baby! I read somewhere that people can get pots after gastric bypass.. 165 to 108 in 4months couldn't have been easy on my body :(

    Otherwise, I'm tending towards hormones being a culprit for me. I hope everyone who has pots out grows it! Or that our bodies find a way to adjust to it

  3. I'm pretty similar to your numbers and I was diagnosed with POTS. Although my TTT results were so crazy from my day to day vitals. Usually I'm in the 70s lying down and 95-105 standing up. When I consulted my cardiologist he said yes that's pots and it doesnt have to be a sustained rise in HR either. Although most literature says a sustained HR of 30+ or above 120bpm. Mine usually fluctuates When I stand so who knows... Do you have other symptoms?

  4. Yikes! Getting pretty heated :)

    Everyone needs to do what best for them. I won't stop till I've tried everything that a Doctor (who is waaaay more educated than am) has studied that could potentially help me. Unfortunately mostly there is a lot of positive research on exercisizing helping. So I'm gonna try my hardest to exercise.

    I think we all need to give doctors more respects and credit, they don't just come up with these ideas. They're scientific studies done by highly educated people. Peer reviewed and published.

    Lemons, I think you were just trying to encourage people.. Not offend them. Im sure lemons knows we're all here with different root causes.

  5. Sorry your symptoms are changing!

    I'm not considered hyper, but I have very similar episodes. Tachy, SOB,sweaty, shakey.. Feels like a really inappropriate catacholamines release. Not sure what my BP does though.

    Frankly, they're miserable! I would consider them my worst symptom. Sorry you have them also

  6. Congrats!

    I just wanted to encourage you with my best friends story. She's had POTS for a long time & had two beautiful and healthy babies. She is a wonderful mother, and her kids are very well adjusted. It's all possible :) children give us more hope than we could ever think is possible.

    Maybe you'll feel better after pregnancy? I know Pre-pots and pregnant I was miserable, can't imagine having pots and being pregnant.

    Congrats again on baby! What a blessing :)

  7. I would like to investigate EDS, chairing malformation, achr antibodies, neuropathy (qsart etc) Lyme, Stress test

    I've already been tested for a pheo, carcinoid syndrome, brain/ abdominal abnormalities, vein abnormalities, endocrine issues, echocardiogram& ECGs/ holters, TTT, Ana, sed rate etc...

    My diagnosis: patent Foreamen Ovale, intra septal aneurysm, orthostatic tachycardia, broken valves in saphenous veins, generalized anxiety & NCS

    My symptoms: orthostatic tachy, Pre-syncopal sensation upon standing, & anxiety.

  8. Oh good! Keep us updated!!!! I'm trying to get my saphenous veins ablated too. I'm hoping that will help my pots also :) I've been putting off the procedure because it grosses me out lol... I have this weird thing about skin.... Eeeeeee makes my tummy swirl thinking about it

  9. I get this sensation also

    I know that no one wants to pins this on psychology, and I'm not trying too. But, these are the same catacholamines involved in anxiety, panic attacks etc.. So in my mind it makes a lot of sense. An inappropriate release of catacholamines (for whatever reason, like standing or just pots) causes panic attack-like symptoms or episodes.

    For me, I get these unprovoked "episodes" of feeling like I'm being smothered, my chest feels tight, I have to force myself to breathe. I was in the ER on day having these symptoms and I was having 2-3 respirations a minute. My body just felt like it didn't want to breathe or like I was breathing in water. I can now think through these episodes which are becoming fewer and farther between. They generally come and go like in episodes. Being on Celexa has really helped tremendously with these episodes and overall pots symptoms

  10. I have plain ole Pots.

    I never get totally numb when having dental work... Although its been 10 or so years since I've had to have novocaine. BUT somewhere I read said that if you don't get numb @ the dentist an edidural during labor won't work either. And mine totally didn't work.

    So do dentists use lidocaine? I've had lidocaine injections heaps of times in other parts of my body and it worked fine.

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