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Everything posted by BellaRose

  1. Hi :-), thank you so much both of you for replying! I'm so sorry I didn't post earlier but I just wanted to say thank you! Wendy- I'm so encouraged by what you said about how it could better after birth :-). thsnk you for your encouragement and suggestions about how I can keep baby entertained :-). that's so great you were able to have a baby shower, my friends want to do something for me but I just don't think I can handle it for now but isn't it so wonderful to have friends who wanted to do that for you :-), I'm so thankful for my friends just wanting to throw one for me :-). thank you again for your encouragements! I just needed to know there are other moms that are getting through this . Take care :-D!
  2. Hey everyone, I just want to say I have been so encouraged to have this forum, and see there are so many out there struggling with POTS but not losing hope. you are all so compassionate and caring and that has given me strength to reach out. I'm not the blogger type or super comfortable with sharing about my POTS, but I really need others encouragement as I'm now around 6 months pregnant and my pots is worse. I'm so thankful I'm expecting but just hope and pray I'll get better :-). it's such an amazing blessing to hold a lil one and I thank God for this privilege! I've been reading all the tips on how to care for a newborn but I'm more concerned about how to play with them when they are 3-7 months old if I can't pick them up or spend too much time sitting with them. just so you know a little of my daily symptoms I can't stand without feeling like I'm going to faint and I have tried to push through that but felt so much worse. I take a day or two to recover where I just have to lie down only if I do just a little too much. heart rate is really high when standing or sitting. I guess what I'm looking for is encouragement from other mothers who have had babies and POTS. I would so appreciate advice about types of things I should even register for to help me better care for my baby for the first year. also I really just need emotional support and even more so after the birth. :-). so if there's any moms willing to just talk to me please private message me  as I'm still not super comfortable with sharing everything on the forum but I so need encouragement. Also I really want to have a baby shower because it's one of those amazing things every first time mom looks forward to but it looks like I won't be able to because I have to be almost fully reclined and then even then I feel like so completely weak :-/. thank you :-D for just letting me share all that and I pray the best for all of you as we struggle with this difficult illness. take care :-)
  3. Hey :-) Im from Hawaii and I thought I'd just share that sadly there doesn't seem to be any POTS specialist here, but more doctors are hearing about it and at least are starting to learn about it. Also I saw on the list of doctors there's a doctor mentioned but it seems that he is no longer practicing. I don't know if that helps or not but if you have more questions about Hawaii and what it's like feel free to message me, I'd be happy to answer any questions. Take care everyone and have a great weekend! :-)
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