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Posts posted by TCP

  1. I have tachycardia and am currently on beta-blockers. Still beats fairly high and then get recurrent jigging of the heart that can go on for several seconds at a time. I don't like that as it can happen at any time. Had all the checks including ECG, 24hr monitor and echocardiogram and although sinus tachycardia diagnosed no major problems. Unsettle me but I tell it to keep beating.

  2. Both sides flush but the left side has always been worst affected I often get flushing up my chest and neck and left ear, but that has settled since I've been on the beta-blocker. My left hand, foot and limbs are worst on my left side. When the neuropathy flared up my left foot went blue and numb, but luckily the feeling came back over the course of a few weeks. In the bath my left leg is always yellowy but my right is pinker, although I am having more trouble with my right ankle and knee now. It's the nerves and circulation...best advice is to keep moving and get the blood flowing to keep the nerves alive.

  3. Hi

    I have ME/CFS and extensive Autonomic and Peripheral Neuropathy. I've been having the symptoms of Obstructive Sleep Apnoea for several years and I finally saw a 5th GP who actually referred me to a consultant. I am currently being checked out ahead of a possible CPAP trial. I have all of the symptoms of OSA, including heavy snoring, stopping breathing, restless sleep, frequent waking, sleep paralysis, night terrors, unrefreshed sleep, extra daytime fatigue and lethargy. I score 18+ on the Epworth Sleep Scale. I have put on 5 stone in weight since on Gabapentin and antidepressants which hasn't helped, but the snoring started before the weight-gain.

    How many more Autonomic Dysfunction sufferers have this problem?



  4. I've been taking Alpha Lipoic Acid for some time at lower doses and am about to step it up. It's been used for diabetic neuropathies in trials with great results and on the continent it's even prescribed medicinally. It's worth a go. It works well in combination with Acetyl-L-Carnitine, although this one makes me feel unwell, so I didn't benefit...but many do. These two are very beneficial as is Benfotiamine, a synthetic form of vitamin B1. All aid nerve growth and regeneration.

  5. Hi

    Has anyone else had this problem and been checked out by a specialist? I've had sleeping issues since the autonomic dysfunction flared up and now I regularly stop breathing and sound like a walrus! I know it's OSA and so far 4 GPs have shown no interest when I tell them and finally another is sending me to see a consultant at the hospital. I bite my tongue if I have a higher pillow, so opt for a flat one. I have nasal inflammation and polyps. I get head jerking, like seizures and need to see someone very soon. I know I'm not alone with this.

    Take care


    PS I've put on 5 stones because of the Gabapentin and Anti-depressants, which hasn't helped.

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