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Posts posted by brethor9

  1. I agree with Jangle! after almost 4 years of having the crazy label thrown at me I am now in the hands of knowledgeable specialists and every one of them have stressed that POTS is not a psychological illness....as my one specialist says..stress cant turn your legs purple :) and he says we need to stop blaming ourselves for having this illness as that just makes everything worse....good advice I think! and just my 2 cents :)


  2. I hate to sound negative but perhaps the reason Dr's don't prescribe saline is more because there is no money to be made in it.....not for the Dr's or the drug companies.....medications are big business!! I mean seriously I have spent ridiculous amounts of money trialling all of these next to useless medications for this illness....when I told my Dr how much saline helped he just said to keep drinking more and the only reason to ever need saline is because I am not hydrating properly (yeah like 3-4 litres isnt enough?) :(


  3. Corina

    That is a valid thought about the GA.....I also have gotten worse after every GA surgery I have had....I have had 4 in the last 9 years......my neurologist once told me that anasthetic is incredibly hard on the nervous system and that it can affect it long after you think it has worn off. My very first symptoms started not to long after giving birth.....just another piece in an unsolved puzzle.....


  4. I believe POTS is just how our illness manifests itself and that it is likely secondary to some unknown etiology specialists have not figured out yet....personally I will never be happy with just the POTS diagnosis or MCAD.....I truly believe that something else is the heart of the problem and when that is discovered everything else will fall into place. I think of it like my son's Autism....it is a syndrome also and symptoms manifest differently in every child along the spectrum which makes a cause or treatment so difficult to define....when we nail down the true triggers then we can find a better treatment for these illnesses

  5. WOW interesting so far that we were all high acheivers........ sometimes I wonder if this didnt somehow contribute to my illness....I worked so hard....way too hard! always put in 110% and was always the one to stick it out to the end if there was a stressful project that just had to get done....or when it came to advocating for my autistic son, worked out like mad, multiple surgeries,etc.....maybe I just burned my nervous system out? the body can only take so much ....just wish I could figure out how to reset the system :(


  6. Ernie

    I am so sorry that you have to continue dealing with ignorance from so many doctors regarding your son's illness :(........Have you tried traveling outside of Montreal? The specialist I see is in Hamilton and he is very good....if not for him diagnosing me I would likely be in a padded cell and completely bedridden. I do believe the Hamilton clinic sees young patients as whenever I go for followups there are young people there for testing..... I also heard there is a specialist in Ottawa? that would be closer to you....


  7. Totally understand Dani!! Last week was my good week...clear head...no pain...energy, etc but at night I was having more adrenaline surges again so I should have seen this weeks crash coming :( one of my docs refers to it as catecholamine dumping.....he says because my body isnt able to regulate the adrenaline properly (produce way too much) I crash harder because it takes longer for it to disappear from my system. Normal people who can regulate may only feel the crash for a few hours where in people like us it can last days even weeks. The theory kinda makes sense to me.....


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