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Posts posted by misstraci

  1. Thank you Rich for doing such in debth research and sharing it with us!!! I appreciate you and the rest who research and then share the information or theories they may have. Your theory makes sense. What would be a treatment plan do you think?

    I'm not sure if this is the same thing (neuropathy/biopsies/etc) but I had a nerve study where they shocked my legs and arms and put needles as well. It showed a little abnormality but nothing ever became of it.

    Thanks again!

  2. I was 24 when it was removed but the issues lingered and couldn't be detected for years. I had constant nausea throughout high school and test after test after test (sounds familiar to where i am now) revealed nothing. In the end, it was my gallbladder not functioning (squeezing as it was explained to me). I have a hiatal hernia and paptic ulcer (not caused by hpylori) as well as delayed gastric emptying.

  3. I'm sorry you don't feel well, I don't know in names what to call it but it sounds just like a cold that should run it's course. I was sick for an entire week last week with similar symptoms except I had the worst raw, sore throat of my life, even worse than when I had mono ten years ago. I was crying to swallow it hurt so bad. Chest and nose congestion, all of it. I'm better now, yours should run through your system and then feel well (or POTS well). Like others' say, drink plenty of fluids!!!!

    Kid germs are everywhere I tell you, whether you have kids or not, they are swarming the market, library, you name it!!!

  4. oh gosh, sorry for your pain and current issues. I've never experienced this but have heard of it. I wanted to say sorry and hope you feel better. Did they say what could have caused it or if it heals with medicine and gets well? I'm glad they took you seriously, hope you feel better!!!

  5. Seattle, that is a good idea!

    I never noticed your writing at the bottom, I think it's funny, I can definitely relate to the entire thing.

    I don't know if you can say on here but what is your forum that you run, if you don't mind me asking? just curious if it was a health related one.

  6. I'm sorry Seattle. I wish someone would move the process for you more quickly. I've been to the ER about seven times over the past three years and each time, I am treated as if I am a hypochondriac. It's very belittling, Never been admitted, just given fluids and sent home feeling miserable as ever. you have no idea how much I dispise the medical community right now. I've had a basic work up by my GP when I first got sick which included lots of blood, an echo, ekg, mri and everyone who sees this thereafter says "you've had a good work up, there's nothing else we can really do". I am currently at a point where I am just beside myself. I'm angry and just feel like there is something there that someone is missing. I don't feel like I have 'just POTS', and if it is, something is causing it, but what...... I hope you are able to get more cardiac tests done. I was supposed to have a nuclear stress test but my insurance denied it. I just went to a new neurologist and had an eeg and called to get my results and she said they can't give them over the phone, long story short, i go in yesterday only to pay $40 for 15 minutes of his time for him to tell me the test was normal and reiterate I should drink plenty of fluids, ***. I am going in circles, everyone is disbelieving, and meanwhile, I feel like I'm dying and no one can see it, feel it, or understand what I'm going through. It's like being autistic and having this own little world that no one can touch/understand.

  7. I've never heard of the China study nor have I watched/read Forks over Knives. I have read "chocolate covered katie blog" and have used multiple recipes. all very good!!! My boyfriend has been doing a vegan diet for many months now and has lost a tremendous amount of weight. I'm not sure if he "feels" better or good, he never felt "bad" to begin with. I don't want to give up cheese, so, I haven't tried it myself. I was a vegetarian for seven years so doing without meat is just fine. i have a very bad addiction to sugar, more specifically chocolate, I would like to try a diet that is mainly fruit/vegetable and the more raw the better. I get so frustrated from not feeling good that I need that comfort of food that you hear about. it's very true. If I'm mad and frustrated, It will only make me more mad and frustrated to sit there eating salad :wacko:

  8. Hey Seattle. Good luck with the meds. I tried zoloft back in high school and it made me really nauseated but I didn't even weigh 100lbs yet. It's highly likely that the amount of meds were too much for my body. Let us know how you do with them, sorry the appt was mediocre. I feel like that too, I just want to humor them sometimes, let them get their way and prove it's not "that", whatever it is they are suspecting or assuming. I'm about to try lexapro again.

  9. I'm sorry you feel so bad you can't/shouldn't drive. I haven't driven in over a year, it's killing me and wearing down relationships of those around me having to always depend upon others to get me places. My doctor did not tell me not to drive, I just know that I can barely function as it is and that driving would be a disaster. I don't trust myself in the car, not alone and definitely not with my kids. When I told me current/new neurologist that I wasn't driving and hadn't been, he acted weird and kept questioning why. I thought it was obvious that I just said I'm extremely lightheaded!!! He should agree and not want me on the road too.

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