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Posts posted by Yolaclover

  1. ok, I though the mood and temper was just my personality!!

    Insomnia was always an issue for me.

    the other stuff, yes, my bra size increased and my lower back always hurts, flank pain, etc, I just had an unrelated MRI for that area and all normal....sooooo, I blame florinef.

    But my question is if florinef can cause mega headaches? Do you get that?



  2. at this point my BP has been pretty good with florinef, my bad days are punctuated by soul-crushing headaches and weird pressure and stiffness in my head and neck. I feel like I have something that has yet to be diagnosed, the florinef helped with fluid retention but there is an underlying thing that is not being addressed.

  3. how long have you been in reemission so far? I actually reconnected with a friend on facebook who had POTs for 10 yrs and has been symptom and med free for two years. I guess anything is possible with this crazy illness. Good luck, would love to hear more about your experience :)

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