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Posts posted by Sallysblooms

  1. Many, many people with POTS use a w.chair. Not strange at all......

    I was unable to push myself, but now I am able to since my supplements are healing my symptoms. Last year at this time, I could not get out of bed, but I can walk a lot now and on big trips like to the mall or church, we take a w.chair for me. It is a tool many use, just depends how far along you are on healing.

    I just had the impression she needed to go with her kids and there was no other way so if that true, a w.chair was a good thing to try.

    You slowly get stronger and better at pushing yourself. I used to have to go vey slowly and rest after a little but I am stronger now. A process.

    With driving, I do not drive alone yet, just with my husband with me. That is also something to build up to. I was barely able to sit in the car for trips last year, but I hope to drive soon.

  2. There is nothing you can do about not being able to walk much right now.

    Does your hubby know exactly what is wrong and why you can't walk far? My family all know how the blood is not reaching the brain etc. You can print info and pictures.

    Do you have a wheelchair? I have two. We keep one in the SUV and one at home. They are fantastic. You can conserve energy and do more. Use a w.chair to take your kids two blocks.

    My hubby and I walk our little dog and he pushes me and I hold the leash. Use any tools you can!

    Also, I have a folding cane seat. That is also good if you are later better at walking and need to sit and rest.

    A w.chair would be great for you. I believe in using all of the things out there to help us as we heal. :)

  3. I have a really great make up mirror. I can't remember the magnification but it is HIGH. I LOVE IT. I can see TEENY things that get in my eye. It is great. One time, I got a little bug in my eye and could not see anything, I didn't have my mirror then. My stugpid opthomologist was rude and told me to wait until morning. Was probably just scratched! WELL, I had several tiny WINGS in my eye all night. NO sleep, cried all night and at the eye doc office. I had bad scratches for a few days. I now can see things like that if it happes again. That is my eye story, ha. LOVE the good mirrors nowdays.

  4. I have been Gluten Free for four months. I have no symtoms or celiac etc. I did it after reading a lot about how gluten can affect the nervous system. Very surprising. I did it for my POTS.

    It usually takes longer to really get benefits, but if you are really sensitive you may feel it fast. I am impoving with my POTS.

    Most doctors don't know about how it affects you unless it is just Celiac. You have to do it yourself.

  5. I just had surgery again three days ago. I did fine. I went "under" six months ago also. I was very i'll with POTS back then and did great. :)

    I used to worry too. The doctors watch you carefully and talk to you before going under.

    I hope you will get better soon. That is painful isn't it? I had it but I got well at home thankfully. Best of luck.

  6. I had to have a hysterectomy a couple years ago. I take great hormones from a compounding pharmacy. I have a doctor that knows a lot about them. No flashes, migraines, or the rest of the things that happen from no hormones. Eye health, Brain function,

    bones, skin, etc are all so important to me.

    I hope I never have to go without the correct hormones. They have been wonderful for helping to support my overall health. I hope you feel better!

  7. Wow, I would say no thanks to that test. Scary to do that to the tubes etc, for the inner ear. I didn't have a test for sweating, I can tell I don't sweat, you have to be careful if you get hot. I stay cool.

    For me, the lightheadedness was the lack of blood to the brain like most people have. Didn't he think that was it? I have continued to improve with my supplements.

  8. Of course we all hope for a cure, but if we wait for it we lose out on feeling better now. We have to help our body feel better and stay healthy. That way we don't get worse or come down with colds, etc.

    Doing supplements yourself is hard with no blood test in or doctor guiding you.

    Dana,I take many things. Compounded hormones, Vit. E, C, D3, B12, CoQ 10, a great multi, calcium, magnesium, adrecor , Lipoic Acid Supreme, d-ribose, 5htp, and things to strengthen my immunity like AHCC and Maitake mushroom drops, zinc also. I drink a smoothie with Greens First and protein powder daily. They are full of good things. I do not eat gluten and I try to eat healthful foods for the most part.

    I get extra choline from eggs. I try not to have too much stress which was ruined when I burned myself on steam when I made my bird some rice tonight! Ouch. Lots of sleep and rest too. I want to support my health so my body can heal.

    My doctors tell me what to take and how much, we are all different.

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