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Posts posted by issie

  1. I asked the guy who told me about this if I could list his post so that others could contact him.  He said that would be fine.  He also has a Twitter site with a whole lot of articles on there.  


    Mast Cell - Histamine (Immunotherapy With Histamine) | Health Rising's Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) and Fibromyalgia Forums

  2. I have HyperPOTS,  Ehlers Danlos, MCAS and a whole bunch of other autoimmune things and Hypogammaglobulinemia, FMS,  ME/CFS and  severe Mitochondria dysfunction.   I have in the past contributed on this site extensively and on another site with years of trying to find answers.  This all is in my family and my sister and I are and have been in a lot of studies.  

    I'll warn, this book is very technical and would be considered controversial by Pharma.  I'm quite versed in medical things and I'm still not finished reading it.  But, I am in self experiment with its ideas and finding it helpful.  I've been off all my MCAS and POTS and pain medicines for almost 2 months now.  I'm in less pain than I was on them and and not any worse being off them.  Still tweaking, but feel encouraged.   

  3. There are genetic things that can cause too thick blood.  I have Factor VIII and Collagen Binding problems and it's still undetermined if I have APS.  I got a positive one time and negative another.

    I use Vascuzyme by Empirical Labs in the morning and either serrapeptase or lumberkinase at night.  You have to pay attention if you start brusing bad you are using too much or if cuts dont clot off fast enough.   

    I also use herbs that can thin blood occasionally.   

    It does seem to help.  I also do better to not vasoconstrict internally.  I use binders when traveling.  


  4. Testing is so "if'y".  We did a Western Blot.  I came back with positive co-infections.  I also had the red circle.  But I didn't get tested or treated until years later.  Doxy. Did not work for me.  My doc had seen symptoms so much and doesn't feel test are accurate - especially if there are autoimmune issues.  I see a Naturopath and she uses various herbs in a certain order - based on symptoms and response. We also treated CIRS at same time.  I had all test for CIRS.  Including genetic testing.  All which were very positive.  I'm still having problems with both and probably will be a maintenance for the rest of my life.  But I'm a while lot better. More puzzle pieces fit together and my symptoms make more sense.  (I'm older too - so that doesn't help things.)


  5. Have you tried raising your head up at night to sleep? Many of us find this helps.  For me, I also have sleep apenea.  Not only obstructive but central.  The lack of oxygen can create more tachycardia.

    Also, mast cells tend to degranulate worse at night.  My POTS didn't get better until I addressed MCAS.  Some with MCAS have an additional seratonin surge at night and it wakes them up and gives a burst of energy.  This usually happens in mornings - but for some reason mast cell issue people have it happen twice in the day.  If there are mast cell issues - beta blockers can make it worse.


  6. Nice to hear you're better.  I like Hunstville. We looked around up there. But will have to be south of B'ham doing parent care. Maybe later.  Nice you found good docs closer by. 

    I don't do typical POTS treatments and prefer functional medicine.  As I don't agree with what most docs do for POTS.  But I do need to have someone who at least knows about it if I have an Emergency.  

    I'm better too.  Been a long road of discovery.  Found out I have CIRS and Lyme.  Treating those has helped sooooo much. Still have MCAS and issues with EDS.  But over all doing better. 

    @derekliz - who do you see?



  7. @kimbellgirl thank you for your reply.  I'm not looking forward to having to get new doctors,  as I'm really happy with the ones I have here in AZ.  But need to turn the page, with the move, and go with it.  My docs here weren't aware of anyone personally.  But I've had a few recommended and have a place to start interviewing.  Good to know some names and not move there completely unaware if there were to be an emergency. 


  8. I found out I have too thick blood.  Have 2 genetic factors that make me lean towards thick blood and blood clots.  Also had a positive marker for APS at one time.  Explains one reason why I do better to vasodilate and why a blood draw makes me feel better. Also I have genetic markers for hemochromotosis (but don't have) and blood draws lower iron levels in this illness which makes you feel better. 

  9. Consider Central apnea. I have both central and obstructive. With central, your brain doesn't tell you to breathe. I have a CPAP that can tell me how many central and/or obstructive apnea I have in an hour. I always have centrals.  Sleeping with your head elevated helps. It also helps the brain to drain lymph better when you sleep. That's when that happens. 

    Also, mast cell issues tend to happen to me a lot when I try to sleep. Having my allergy meds right before bed, helps this. The startle thing doesn't happen as much with MCAS controled.


  10. 6 hours ago, Peter Charlton said:

    This is interesting, Kounis Syndrome. They found I had mid LAD disease when they did an MRI heart scan.

    I was found to have had an anaphylactic  allergy to Bisroprolol beta blocker that brought my heart rate down extremely low so that I was barely conscious. 

    Though I have been off beta blockers for ten months now, all the symptoms that I got from the day I first took them remain, including horrible pressure pain that I presumed to be a form of heart burn, but travels from the centre of my sternum to the heart.

    Do you know if this syndrome can be started by am allergy to a medicine, yet remain when taken off the drug?

    I still get massive ventricular ectopics, but when I get this heartburn feeling, I took an ecg and found I got huge "T" waves which are only supposed to be a third of the preceding "R" wave, not tower above it. 


    My Worst T wave re LAD occlusion Be suspicious of coronary occlusion when the T wave towers over the R wave.jpg

    With Kounis Syndrome, at least for me, it's not a constant thing. If I have a really bad Mast Cell Attack - it can affect my heart. Not everyone with MCAS will have it affect their heart. 

    That being said.....beta blockers can trigger MCAS for many - including myself. I can't take asiprin either - that will trigger it for me. Some do use asiprin to create a slow mast cell release instead of of an  instant degranulation that is more intense. 

    Kounis is not widely known or acknowledged - except by those who are more familiar with mast cell activation syndrome. 


  11. I thought those that remembered her would like to know. She fought so hard to get EDS and POTS known in the UK. It was a hard journey for her, but she did make it more known to both doctors and others seeking help. I'm sad that her very complicated problems couldn't be corrected and her to be able to have the full life she had so wanted. I had private conversation with her and that memory makes me smile. She was a lovely person both outside and in. I'm glad her pain is no more. 


  12. I'm so very sad. I had not heard from Diamond/Nina in awhile. Last time I talked to her she told me she was having a very hard time of recovery from her neck fusion. And she had a hard time being on her computer. Since I have EDS too, she offered to look at my x-rays and tell me what she saw. (She always wanted to help others and no matter how bad she felt - she was kind and caring.) I just learned Diamond/Nina went to sleep in death in Jan. She is no longer in the pain she experienced daily. It's very sad that she fought so hard for help and even though she finally got surgery - she still didn't survive. I will miss her. Here is the post from her mother. 
    My deepest condolences go out to her parents and those who loved her. 

  13. Interesting Natasha.  Let us know if you find it. I couldn't use Forinef.  Hiked my already too high blood pressure and I felt horrible. Not something I plan to revisit. But me having low aldosterone and renin, at the kidney level, makes me wonder if this is a compensation or if it's an issue. I never got the compounded RX. The guy I was talking to got other employment and the other pharmacist weren't as eager to figure it out. So it got put on the back burner. Does it give you edema?  I already have too high sodium levels and don't need you hold onto more salt. My osmolarity levels are high and MSH is low.  Signs pointing to CIRS - of which I'm officially DXD with. Treating mold and biotoxins much in the forefront. 



  14. This is an old thread, but I'm giving an update. I still have HYPERPOTS. Also was Dx with low renin and aldosterone. 

    Have been Dx with APS with Lupus Anticoagulant - this means too thick blood. It may explain why I figured out that I do better to vasodilation rather than vasoconstrict. This has to be very slightly or I have more issues. But the meds that caused constriction made me way worse. 

    I wasn't able to take the aspirin. I have MCAS and it causes me to have to much issues with degranulatuon.  Right now I'm using herbals to somewhat thin my blood. And some of them are mild calcium channel blockers (as are some of the meds I use for MCAS (GastroCrom) and POTS (1/2 Tramadol). Calcium channel blockers dilate the veins. 

    This is an unusual finding for a POTS person.  Except it is also found in Sjogrens - and that's being found more and more in POTS.  I have recently had a probable DX for this. My mom had it and it can be genetic. I say probable because I don't want to have a lip biopsy for a firm DX.  I have a lot of symptoms. But it may be due to another issue......

    Also another biggie is I have CIRS.  Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome.   This causes a lot of inflammation and can also cause too thick blood. Osmolarity (too high salt) and ADH are issues that go along with CIRS.  I've always known I didn't need to use more salt. The low renin and aldosterone and higher blood pressures told me this. But having these issues makes it hard to hold onto water and this too can cause too thick blood. 

    So again, I question, could POTS be an issue with too thick blood and inability for it to move to crucial areas like heart and brain. It could also cause blood pooling and low volume. It may not fit all POTS subset types.....but it seems to fit me. 

    Brain fog also explained by CIRS.  The inflammation in the brain has caused swelling and compression. Neuro Quant MRI testing explains this one. 


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