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Posts posted by McBlonde

  1. Wow. Welcome! Your PCP was right about one thing. since "She is convinced no conditions exist affecting nervous and vascular systems and keeps trying to say there is nothing she can do for me" The last thing you need is a primary care doctor that is "disbelieving".... You deserve so much better! If she is not going try, she is not worth your time, energy or money.

    Where are you located or how far can you travel? That would be helpful for us to help you. So sorry you are going through this!

  2. I would like to know the answer also. We just drove 17 hours over 3 days time and i have never been sicker I have been so sick now for 10 days, I would suggest not doing it. I am trying to figure out how to get back home.

    Hippychic .. this weather we have been having in the DFW area the last 3 weeks has really made me feel bad. I wonder, as you start driving, the closer you get to home the more back to your "normal" POTS self you will feel?

  3. This sounds awesome. Pensacola is about 5-6 hours from me. I wonder if I could handle the trip.

    It's 9 hours from me, and for the 1st 6 hours, I felt so horrible all I could do was try to meditate to get through it. However, the closer I got to the coast, the better I felt. It was so weird, but after about 6 hours of driving South, all of a sudden I raised my seat and noticed I didn't feel as bad. I felt so much better the whole time we were there. I felt good as we started back, but the closer we got to home, the stronger my symptoms because. I find this crazy and I have tried and tried to come up with some logical explanation. My husband said maybe it's the salt water in the air acting like a saline IV does. lol! :D There has to be some objective thing that happens to my body there because that's 3 years in a row that it's happened. I just don't know. It's now like Fl is any cooler or less humid than Louisiana, lol, so that's not it. Is there something that being at sea level would do to your body? Interestingly, in theory, it would seem that San Diego would make me feel better for the same reason (whatever the reason is) but it didn't even though the weather is stable and cooler there. It drives me crazy not being able to figure this out!

  4. NMPotsie.... Great job explaining. I get the NE dumps, too. Maybe mine changed from BP of 80/60 normal with drops in BP on standing to NE dumps with some hypertention & BP surges up or drops down because I am salt loading and drinking the large amounts of fluid?

    For me, one thing that has never changed even with Florinef and lots of salt and fluids recommended are the orthostatic drops or surges in BP.... Is it possible that it's your propranolol that is stabilizing the drops and surges of BP?

  5. I had a failure of my pituitary with low growth hormone, pre-mature menopause, hypothyroid and low aldosterone and renin... My endo keeps reminding me that you can stimulate your pituitary and it could works correctly, but in order for your body to work right, it has to get the message from your autonomic system....

    'Soon-to-be-published research (Friedman, T., et al., in preparation) shows a few patterns of abnormalities in the renin-aldosterone axis. A little more than half the patients with fatigue had low blood levels of both renin and aldosterone. This is called hyporeninemic hypoaldosteronism and is probably due to dysfunction of what is called the autonomic nervous system, which sends messages from the brain to the kidneys. Other aspects of the autonomic nervous system have been found to be deficient in chronic fatigue syndrome.

    Here is a paper he gives to his patients about autonomic disorder...cortisol, aldosterone etc. if you haven't read it. http://03342db.netsolhost.com/page/the_importance_of_the_adrenal_cortex_hormones_cortisol_and_aldosterone.php

  6. Thanks for all the responses everyone!! When I woke up this AM, the first thing I did was to check my BP & HR "just to see"... It was 136/89 with a HR of 95 when I woke up. The highest it got was 150/94 and in between times it was 98/80, 108/71,123/84, 135/82 and now tonight it's 126/82 with a HR of 87.

    I have been very Blessed today not to have one of the BP headaches and I am so thankful for that. When I get up, it either drops 50 points or goes up 40 points & that seems to be what triggers the headaches.

    I have been taking the Florinef since 2003 to raise my BP (but still "drinking like a fish & peeing like a racehorse" as the saying goes) so since I have had these high numbers and since I was peeing out the fluid as fast as I drank it, I stopped the Florinef the last 2 days. I cut my G2 down to 3 and eliminated my V8 with salt & increase just plain water. But, I have no idea it that's the right or wrong things to do. If I wasn't having the headaches from the surges & drops, I wouldn't worry about it, but those headaches stop me in my tracks.

    My doctor wants me to take Wellbutrin or Clonidine. He said the Clonidine would lower my NE at night and therefore my BP & HR. I fear the fatigue & blues happening again. It's so hard to know what to do!

  7. McBlonde, how long have you been on Florinef? My guess for your dilemma is that if you've only been taking Florinef for a few weeks or months now, your body has finally changed/adapted to it and can now retain water and salt, like it couldn't before the Florinef. Now, with fluid and salt retention occurring, you are getting the subsequent high blood pressure. I recall a post on here where someone (Kimbellgirl maybe?) said their doctor recommended a certain dose of Florinef for a few weeks until the body stabilized, then a lower maintenance dose. I noticed that I only needed it for about 5 weeks for my body to do somewhat of a reset and begin to retain fluids. It wasn't as drastic as yours sounds, though. It only changed my BP from around 95/60 to 115/65, so it caused widened pulse pressures for me. Anyway, just a guess for you....

    That's a great guess!! But.... I've been on Florinef since 2003...same dose of 1 mg.. Isn't that crazy!

  8. So sorry!! If only it were "just anxiety", right?! What I find so distressing also, is the energy it takes to actually go to the doctor's appointment only to feel like your time was wasted! So often I say to my husband, I have to wait until "I feel better before I can go to the doctor"...... and then when you get there and it's a wasted trip, it is just disheartening!

  9. No... I haven't changed anything.... I've been doing that regime of G2, V8, H20 & compression pants since. February.

    Two days ago, after I couldn't get my BP down, I switched to just water and stopped the Florinef, but none of that lowered my BP. I've been afraid the clonidine would make me feel fatigued and that incredibly awful depression like the Bystolic did :mellow:

  10. Issie!! That reminds me! (See, my thoughts are fragmented and I just don't think clearly) Yes, my NE was 700 resting and higher standing....can't remember the exact number this second. An the edema you mentioned!! Here I am on a mission trying to get my BP up to 110 systollically ... so drinking 8 bottles of G2 a day with the V8 + salt. with the compression pants...... When I took my sock off yesterday on my right leg, there was a deep indention where the top of the sock was and it was BLUE. It took 24 hours to "spring" back out. I can still see the mark though.

    But what changes a personally suddenly from a low BP all the time to high BP? That's not POTS, right?

  11. I am so confused. Just as I think I have something figured out, the symptoms change for no apparent reason. I just don't understand.

    I have had low BP all of my life. The 1st time I fainted, I was 3 years old. I fainted twice that year. 80/60 was normal for me. Through the years, I fainted off and on. If I "stood up too fast" I would almost black out. I've had orthostatic hypotension as long as I can remember. Still, I lived a pretty normal life. Fainting (as it turns out) was actually better than this life.

    In 2003, when I got really sick with severe fatigue, I saw an endocrinologist & he did a test where he had me lie down for 15 minutes and then stand for 15 minutes. I remember that after I few minutes of standing, I felt so sick. At the time, I had no idea I had any problem with standing. He tested my aldosterone & renin lying and standing. When standing, my aldosterone & renin were both low instead of one going up when the other goes down. Also, when standing, my heart rate when very high and my bp bottomed out...... THAT was my pattern.

    Last week, after all these years, for no apparent reason, I wake up with a bad headache and check my BP and it's 140/90 with a HR of 116... This afternoon it's 145/92 with a HR of 74 all while resting. If I get up, I have a 30 point drop in BP before it spikes back up. It makes my head hurt on the left side so bad.

    How is this even possible? How can I change from being a person who always had low BP to this? I feel beside myself with frustration because I don't understand and am not sure what to do. I do have a prescription for Clonidine which I haven't gotten filled yet (because, silly me! I thought my BP was too low to take Clonidine)

    I thought with POTS, your BP was not affected, yet mine now seems out of control!? Any thoughts?

    Thanks for any input.

  12. HippyChic... I think I said this before, but then again I may have only thought it and not had the energy to type it. I am 2 hours from Dallas and my symptoms are really bad here. I went down to the Gulf in Florida. When I left the house, I felt SO bad I thought within the 1st hour that "I can't do this" I can't make it!" By 6 hours further south, I felt like a different person. I could sit up in the car and converse. After a week in Florida, I was SO much better! BUT.... as we came home... the further we got away from the coast of Florida, the worse I felt and I have not recovered since I got home. It's SO confusing. What is it here that triggers me, but not in FL? I think we even had a thread a long time ago about barometric pressure, humidity, sea level, etc.

    Imapumpkin..... I don't have the answers for you as to why, (in my case it's not just the heat) but it had been a couple of years since I was in FL and yet when I went there again, I still felt better, so my guess is it's not anything permanent. I think your body will feel better when you go back to where you felt better.

    I even tried San Diego because it's so consistent...... but I didn't get the relief there, not like Florida. Still in the La TX area, I a way worse.

    Can anybody think of a logical explanation?

  13. Thanks, Issie. Ugh, I wouldn't want to start uncontrollable crying! There's something "wrong" with me already, but in a GOOD way, in that I am too upbeat if that makes any sense. It's like I have too much serotonin or dopamine or whatever is the "feel good" hormone. Even though I have these awful circumstances of staying home all the time, alone alot, etc., I am the most upbeat person I know. And, that's not normal. But, I'll take it over the alternative. Anyway, I think it is a clue to what is wrong with me, just I can't figure it out.

    Which one is the "upbeat hormone"? I need more of that one!

    Edited to add what I meant to post! :unsure: I hadn't taken any medicine this AM and took my HR. It was 110 resting for some crazy reason. I took only 2.5 mg of Midodrine and now my HR is 81 and my BP is 114/84..

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