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Posts posted by miranda

  1. Its been 7 years of feeling ill, dizzy and headachy.

    Doctors told me I have migraine associated vertigo and gave me 2 pills to help with symptoms,

    1: propranalol

    2: Amitriptyline

    I felt 50% better , but still felt ill.

    Then 6 months ago It was discovered I had OH and NMH.

    My neuro told me to come off amitriptyline because it makes OH worse.

    So I came off it and feel terrible all the time , headachy , dizzy and ill again.

    Now neuro says abou me going on Topimax for the migraines.

    But could the OH be causing the constant migraines ?

    if this is the case am I better trying a pill to raise blood pressure ?

    I just cant decide what to do next, I am feeling woozy headed and drowsey all the time.

    any ideas please

  2. Pat , I have not heard of those meds before , I was offered fluxo but declined for now , I find the compressions stocking too much in warm weather and they roll down my leg.

    Thanks Rachel, I am a natural worrier ,lol.

    chaos , wow thats quite a list and explains alot , makes me think I do need meds.

    Yesturday I phoned my neurologist because I feel so bad , I asked her whats caused this ...

    her reply was ...

    You have the NMH because you have a low blood pressure already , and your blood vessels are still young and healthy and too flexible ? We are absolutely confident that there is no serious underlying cause. So I mention my flexible joints and she did not understand how that can be connected.

    My hands are so bendy its shocking , I can bend all my fingers back wards and my thumb can touch my arm. I can put my legs around my neck , my toes can bend all over the place and when I went to the doctors and sat on the bed he commented that my ankles are loose and flop my feet inwards when relaxed.

    So does this sound like EDS ? I also have scoliosis of the spine and fused ribs.

  3. Mack's mom , so Is NMH genetic ?

    I have NMH , and I worry my daughter might be getting it. She has passed out a few time over the years, once when I was cutting her hair ( she was kneeling on her legs)

    and once when she cut her hand.

    I can feel it coming on sitting or standing , hate it !

  4. I am confirmed with dysautonomia , OH & NMH.

    I have never been a very skinny person and was slightly overweight in the beginning.

    The meds they put me on made me gain more weight until I was nearly obese.

    I am now slowly loosing the weight and have about 25lb to loose.

    A friend of mine has dysautonomia and she has a weight problem , so I think anyone any size can have this.

  5. Thank you Simmy , I will try it on my next episode and will let you know how I get on.

    Usually when it happens It takes me hours to feel better in myself ,

    but today I recovered very quickly and thought this was probally

    due to the extra salt and fluid I am taking.

    Will this ever go away ? Ive been having these episodes 7 years now .

  6. so is squating better than standing and squeezing leg muscles ?

    I find when it happens I am almost paralised with symptoms and can not think (is this normal?) ,

    I just about managed to squeeze my leg muscles.

    It was triggered by stress and standing for ages in line ,

    The elderly man in front of me, emptied his pockets and had lots of small change

    to pay for his shopping and the check out girl took ages counting it.

    I remember thinking OH NO !!! then it happened.

  7. Hi everyone ,

    I woke this morning and my blood pressure was good 109/78

    then when I stood up it was 114/82

    I was so shocked because I have orthostatic hypotention and this never happens.

    I felt good and walked the dog and did ok.

    Then I went shopping , stood in a long line to pay for my goods

    and suddenly had a episode , my heart raced , my body shook, I was sweating , and dizzy and nearly passed out - somehow I stayed upright and squeezed my leg muscles very hard.

    what do people do to stop this?

  8. Mary , is that drug for raising blood pressure ? I have been offered fludro but decided against it for now because I read people saying it stopped working for them. I was told this is a life long problem, so no rush to try it, lol.

    I am on a small dose of beta blockers (20mg am & pm) , and take sodium tablets.

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