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Posts posted by miranda

  1. Txpots, It is Interesting that you have been prescribed this training from the doctors ,

    I read about it online and decided to give it a go. The first time I did I was wearing compression stockings ,lol. (I wondered why I did so well).

    Last night without the stockings I lasted 15 mins , came over really faint and sick , got down on the floor and my heart was racing fast. My feet also had lots of pins and needles .

    Your method sounds more technical than mine , I just stand with my feet 7 inches from the wall and lean back onto my shoulders , I might give the cushion idea a go.

    teachr4k , I would be interested to know what therapy they give your daughter , dizziness is a big problem of mine.

    thanks for the replys

  2. oh I see , I am feeling a bit concerned now because my normal heart rate is 50 - 58

    but when I have a episode , I cant feel my heart at all ....

    its like everything goes silent.

    I get breathless , sweaty , dizzy , sickly , shakey and faint.

    My gut instinct tells me my heart slows down which is worrying , my fathers family all suffer with heart problems and I have 3 young cousins in their 20s who have pacemakers and heart bypass surgery.

    Are these things genetic ?

    I get my monitor in 11 days time.

  3. I spoke to my neuro today and she wants me to wear a event monitor to catch my heart rate when having one of my near syncope or syncope episodes.

    She said she needs to know if its tachy or brachy.

    But I didnt ask why ? why would she need to know this ?

    Do you know if you are tachy or brachy , whats the point in knowing ?

    All I know is, I feel like I am dying when having a episode.

  4. Thank you for the ideas , I did have some prescribed by my gp and they were so uncomfortable and kept rolling down my leg. So I tried a suspender belt which felt so uncomfortable.

    As its now summer , today I have a pair of white linen trousers on (pants)

    and want to wear my open sandels , its so diffiuclt knowing what to wear with it.

  5. I took a tiny tiny dose last night for the first time and half an hour later I felt

    so so sick. So I stood up from my bed and my head throbbed alot , so I feel it was a migraine and not the pill.

    Has anyone else felt sick after taking this pill ?

    I am going to try it again tonight but feel concerned.

  6. I dont usually drink lots before bed because I would need the toilet all night.

    However last night I was really very thirsty and drunk 4 glasses of fluids just before bed.

    I woke this morning and had a NORMAL day , no dizziness , no palpatations, just Normal.

    So this has got me thinking , I know I am supposed to increase my fluids but maybe the most important

    time to increase the fluids is just before bed , so we dont dehydrate overnight .

    Any thoughts on this ?

  7. sorry this has happened to you , I have always been a sensitive person and cared too much what people think all the time , but over the years I realised most people do not care how I feel, infact only 2 weeks ago a friend of mine complained how she always had to call for me at my door and how I never call for her , yet Ive told her I have orthostatic hypotention and NMH and find being up right difficult.

    Honestly , we need to be thick skinned with these problems - I have got to the point where I dont care what people think anymore , two fingers in the air attitude is the only way for me.

  8. Chaos , you have taken my breath away with your description of feeling drunk , and tipping over when turning corners - omg thats me !!! You are the first person to describe this to me and I was always told this sensation is caused by my migraines. Now I think the low blood pressure is the cause of all these feelings.

    Thank you so much x.

    kerrilyn , You may have NMH if you feel ill when it happens ,

    I find I feel so ill I think I am dying , I can feel my heart slow right down and sometimes it feels like it stops.

    Its strange how some of us have daily symptoms and others have it less often , I wonder why this would be ?

  9. Just notised the replys again , I am so pleased because I dont feel so alone when I read your stories.

    Other troubling symptoms I get daily are ...

    palpatations and difficulty walking straight without feeling off balanced and dizzy,

    Maybe this is the lack of blood to the brain.

    Do any of you manage to work ? I can not work due to all these symptoms , it has certainly changed my life.

  10. I have had these for 7 years , mine feel extream at times .

    However today we walked the dog and whilst out I notised that when I had them I went really dizzy.

    I have had dizziness for along time but never made the connection. It feels like my breath gets taken away. I feel it in my throat.

    My ECG came back normal , but Im not totally convinced.

    Is it possible to have a normal ecg yet have a problem ?

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