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Posts posted by lieze

  1. Another thing they do and it was an ad for chelate vitamins but according to the ad with animals you pump them full of vitamins to keep them healthy and free of disease.

    Many doctors for humans will say vitamin supplements are not necessary.

    It seems like an entirely different approach at times.

  2. Does it ever seem to you guys that veterinarians are more aware of what is going on with animals vs disease than human doctors are?

    One of the blogs I had read about foods and the dangers of certain foods was written by a veterinarian.

    Maybe it is in their training where they have to be so aware of what is in an animals surroundings that can affect it that just gets them into that mindset I don't know.

    And maybe it isn't that way at all-again I don't know.

  3. Well I've definitely thought it could be environmental or from a bug but...as healthcare workers we are not around decaying flesh.

    You would have to be taking care of a patient with gangrene or work in a morgue or be some type of pathologist or something along that lines.

    At the point of decaying flesh that is beyond healthcare.

  4. When I first experienced some bad chest pain and described it on the internet someone there told me that it sounded like costochondritis.

    From what some of you are describing mine sounded like a mild to moderate case.

    This is where it gets weird.

    At least two other young people at work got it at the same time I did.

    Could it have been a virus causing it?

    One was only 19-20 the other girl in her 30's.

    They Both went to ER thinking they were having heart attacks and got diagnosed right away.

    I swear it had to have been something in the air that year.

  5. I was an LPN in a nursing home for 20 years.

    There were bad bugs in our building.

    People that I directly took care of MRSA patients.

    Either with wounds that were positive for MRSA or they would have it colonized.

    We also had VRE and that is transmitted in stool usually believe.

    Also C diff.

    I was usually okay....until I was taking care of the patient with shingles and contracted chicken pox.

    My whole life changed then.

    Guess it could have happened anywhere.

    I could have gotten exposed through many other venues.

    I was taking care of this lady and I needed to get liquid tylenol in her.

    She would only open her mouth a tiny bit and take tiny sips.

    It would take me a good 20 minutes to get the 20 ml in her.

    I wonder why now I didn't just ask for a suppository it would have been quick and easy.

    Well the one day I was in there trying to get that Tylenol in her I was so tired and forgot and sat down on her bed,

    As soon as I did it I realized it was probably a no no.

    I was around her for days while she had her shingles.

    Feeding her-they did not isolate patients with shingles.

    But I did everything I normally would do being careful around her wounds that were seeping and wearing gloves washing hands etc.

    So I am not sure why I got it.

    I had been around shingles and never had a problem although I am almost certain I didn't have as much physical contact that I did with this woman.

    Honestly I always felt self conscious.

    It's a real art to take care of someone who has a bad bug but give good hands on care and not act like you're trying to keep your distance.

    Also I took care of many dying with cancer hospice patients.

    Many different types of cancer,

    With the idea that there are viruses involved with cancer it really made me wonder what as staff you are exposing yourself to.

    I know cancer is not catching but the virus thing is a bit scary.

    I read they were looking at different types of viruses causing certain cancers.

    In a way it would make sense.

    This is a bit odd too where I was working people would seem fine, seem to decline and then have bulges start happening that we assumed was some type of cancer.

    It could have been an enlarged liver maybe if they died of liver failure I suppose.

    Can I just say I'm glad to be out of healthcare.

    After what happened to me it left me a bit paranoid and a bit of a germaphobe.

    While I was there I would get bronchitis really bad upper respiratory/sinus at least yearly.

    The type that last for weeks at a time.

    I finally had to have my tonsils removed just too much sickness.

    Then the stomach flus would go through that place eventually they started just quarantining the wing that had it to try to prevent the spread but I would bring that home to my family at least yearly.

    They were highly contagious bugs,

    One time it was so and they called the health dept and got it cultured.

    So I am seeing improvement in my health since not working.

    It is a blessing.

    One nurse several years ago worked through the flu.

    She just kept on working while everyone else got sick.

    All of a sudden she got very sick she was asthmatic I guess and she actually ended up with pneumonia/MRSA.

    They put her in a drug induced coma and she died the next day.

    We would all walk around saying we were probably next and we all probably had it!

    We stayed because it was a good job.

    They paid decent and we didn't know what else we could do to make income for our families.

    Sigh so glad to not have that worry now.

    I don't want to go back.

    There are days I miss it but I don't miss that part of it.

  6. I think it's prayer or something because that first day all it took was for me to see the ferritin drop from 70-14.8 in 2 months and I knew that was bad and something needed to be done.

    I felt bad on the way but do you know how many times I was told oh this is just stress.

    So that first day I was a wreck.

    The. Next day went to the gyno right away and just kind of floated through that day.

    Had some worried thoughts just about everything.

    But my spirit is lifting.

    Could be as you say it's as simple of just getting to the end of my cycle but I'm losing some of the fear.

    I'm making an effort to put a positive attitude out to my family because me being sick has just gone on so long.

    But maybe that is good and healthy for me too.

    For my own mind to smile and say I am okay.

    Kind of like an affirmation.

    So I am surprised but am feeling some encouragement.

    I'm sure being able to talk about it and get support helps maybe more than I even realize.

    Thank you.

  7. Thank you for the support.

    I realize this can be a quite common problem that women go through I'm not sure why I fall apart with every thing that hits me.

    Dr. P's office called back and said I should be okay til next week for the iron.

    The nurse I spoke to had said to be prepared when I see him Wednesday to get iron that day.

    It's just I had another period since those labs so I'm worried they've dropped even lower.

    This is all exacerbating my anxiety.

    My other numbers were all good though so I think he's probably taking that into consideration and I should trust him.

    It's just I feel like I could drop again.

    It's a horrible feeling.

    Surgery for ablation is set up on 24th.

    I explained I need consult with anesthesiology to find something safe for me.

    Scheduling person was very nice.

    Said maybe they don't need to put me to sleep and can just something like Versed.

    So they are checking that out.

    I will just need that and possibly one narcotic to get me through then I should be fine and potentially this could solve the iron problem.

    I'm trying to think positive and beyond these things to recovery and energy and happiness.

    I am biting little pieces off of Flinstones with iron. I do it spaced out from my milk since it inhibits iron absorption.

    But just started this a couple days ago.

    The liquid ferrous sulfate I got made my throat feel like it was closing up.

    I am held up on the couch-will just do only the necessary until I get my iron IV.

    I'll just feel safer after at least one infusion.

    I am glad we finally figured out what was up with me. Not sure it will solve all of my problems but I'm hopeful for some improvement.

  8. I am very nervous about all of this.

    I just read about the Megace and an afraid to take it with my med sensitivities and health in general.

    I'm near the end of my period anyway.

    I still have periods of weakness.

    Just had one felt good earlier did just a little extra and now I'm in tears.

    They may not be able to get me in for iron till next week.

    I just don't feel right,

    I don't usually cramp like this at my cycle.

    This isn't like me at all.

    Well hopefully they will find answers and we can solve some of these issues for good.

    It's frustrating to be sick for so long.

    I feel so bad for the impact this is having on my family.

  9. Hmm I can't seem to tolerate any plants in general.

    I've worried so much because most of my foods are proteins but maybe that is okay.

    I feel much better on this diet than I did before.

    But my worry was not enough carbs too much protein and the affect that would have on my kidneys etc.

    Maybe that is why I get the reactions even after eating my safe carbs at times with the relation to histamine.

    I guess this makes me think I need to stop worrying so much about carbs and just eat what I can.

  10. Okay I called my hematologist first to see if I can get in for an IV iron treatment

    This week haven't heard back yet....

    I saw the gyno-she did a pap today.

    Will do ultrasound next week on uterus.

    Her findings on exam were uterus looks like it's 5 weeks pregnant by size.

    Cervix looks very small to have had four vaginal deliveries.

    She said the opening should be much larger.

    She did some poking around and said if I start having pain during intercourse that is the sign based on what she is seeing that it needs to come out, she said she cannot promise me she can save it-kind of weird but whatever,

    So ultrasound will be next week she said tell the person doing it it is for ablation that if they see anything odd to pull her in-she said she will be there next week.

    She wants to do the ablation says enough is enough she doesn't want me to have to keep getting the IV iron,

    She does do it at the hospital as an outpatient procedure.

    This is where I need help

    These are the following meds she wants me to take....

    What is the best way for me to assure they are free of sulfites?

    Megace-to stop my bleeding completely.

    She said it should stop right away and we should be good for at least a month.

    Flagyl to prepare me for surgery-I told her I sometimes have a fishy odor and I want to make sure there is no infection there prior to surgery,

    Then for the procedure....

    She wants to give me Fentanyl - looks like it contains sulfite to me.

    Toradol-again looks like sulfite

    Ibuprofen for after not sure.

    What is the best way to do this.

    I'm thinking if I can go in with a list of do not give and safe it might help.

    I think all anti emetics are out and honestly I don't know of a narcotic that is safe.

    I don't know if there is a pharmacist I can consult with prior,

    I don't trust myself or the internet to do this alone it feels like my life on the line and I don't want to screw it up.

    I also don't want to just sound paranoid,

    I'm not sure the best way.

    Ideas needed please.

    It looks like she wants to do the procedure right away within a month anyway I'm not opposed just want to find safe drugs for me.

  11. I had four iron infusions one each week the last one was Nov 11 then the next week I had labs drawn.

    The following week after that -my appointment and I believe at that time my ferritin level had come up to 70.

    Where it helped was my iron absorption was only 3% and that has stayed in the normal low level at about 20% or low 20's anyway.

    So I do feel better than before I started the treatments but still not good with an iron level of 14.

    I can tell my mood has really sunk.

    I'm dreading just getting up and walking to another room and I didn't realize how much that reflects where my iron is.

    But those are some of the signs for me along with the chest pain.

    I really guess I need to wait to talk to him before I jump to conclusions.

    When I started though my ferritin was 13 and now I'm just 14.8.

    How did I survive all this time without those iron treatments?

  12. Oh I know what you mean.

    Of all things when I had my cardiac ablation I was on mine.

    I think I was laying on a chux pad and everytime I would roll over to be put on the bed pan the nurses would scream oh my god there is blood everywhere!

    It was horrible and embaressing!

    You know I'm not sure my hemoglobin always reflects my low ferritin.

    I guess I am really happy to finally know why I feel like death.

    And that there is a way to fix it hopefully.

  13. Okay when all this started it may have been three years ago as I said my memory is shot!

    But that is what I was seeing as a first symptom was weird things going on with my cycle.

    I remember going into my boss and saying I think I have a bad case of menopause.

    So at that point I found a gyno -mine had moved.

    They helped me a lot and did hormone testing etc.

    That all came back normal but I know doesn't mean much there is such a wide variation of norm.

    They did do an ultrasound at that point they didn't find anything but said my uterus looked large.

    Well I thought after 4 babies maybe that's normal. I mean I don't know if you'd ever really go back to normal.

    I had space issues too with my babies where they were big and I didn't have enough room.

    My one son was born with his foot bent up.

    Daughter with some leg nerve issues that still exist cause they didn't have enough room.

    And I physically would hurt just from the size of the baby.

    So I wonder if my uterus didn't get stretched to kingdom come another reason why I would want to make sure the ablation was safe for me.

    But at that point they said my uterus was healthy and a hysterectomy would not be in my best interest.

    I think they will most likely do another ultrasound since it's been at least 2 years and maybe try other measures first.

  14. I'm sorry you had that trouble with your gyno.

    I've felt similar with my family doctor blowing off my anemia issues.

    I guess I've made it this far but oh my I feel horrible.

    At least we know now what my issue is or at least one of them and I can hopefully get family to quit calling me lazy.

    Okay I'll go open minded and maybe a shot will do it.

    I had thought of that a whole year ago that time I stood up and I was gushing every where.

    My gut told me go to ER and get a shot!!

    Then I thought where did that come from.

    I swear my memory has really taken a hit with all of this.

    I might have learned about that at some point in my nurses training or just heard it as a personal story but my memory is shot.

    I thought I was hallucinating or something.

    Thanks for sharing with me.

    II won't go in pushing ablation if they offer the shot I'll take it.

    I'll get my nerve worked up for that.

  15. I wonder if it was progesterone?

    I guess what happens at my age is you are not really making an egg.

    The egg contains the progesterone which controls the bleeding and is like the turn off.

    With no progesterone the bleeding just gets wacky is my understanding.

    So I guess first question is-can I tolerate the progesterone or whatever shot it is or will I react to it?

    Is that an option to just go in and get that monthly to slow my bleeding as soon as the period starts?

    It might be worth a shot but here again I'm gonna get scared to death of an allergic reaction.

  16. So depressed and discouraged here.

    For one thing I missed my appointment at the hemotologist and my treatment will be delayed now.

    I'm thinking of calling and seeing if they want to go ahead and schedule me for an iron treatment...and I guess we'll have to figure out at what frequency I need them.

    I'd really like to not have to go every week.

    My last one was November 11 th so let's see it took me 2 1/2 months to get back down to a ferritin of 14.8. I can't even believe it.

    The only thing I can think of is these heavy periods I've been having.

    Last month I had a clot so large that it fit in both hands held out.

    When this happens I just cry and shudder.

    It didn't come out on it's own I had to assist it.

    I am so sorry to write such graphic things but I don't know how else to explain what I'm dealing with.

    Okay here is the thing. I'm having chest pain and something else I think this anemia affects thinking too because I just feel really out of it.

    So the fears come and at times they are illogical but then I second guess myself and think oh everybody or other people have periods like this too and they are okay.

    Part of my problem is that I do have the chemical, drug, and food sensitivities that some of the others have here so taking iron at home has been very difficult.

    And it makes it hard to think about having a surgery or any procedure at all.

    How can I have anything for pain when it looks like all narcotics are sulfites?

    Well I told the nurse who did just briefly glance at my labs for me today. I could see them laying there on the counter about the heavy periods and that my hunch is heavy bleeding she said get into your gyno like ASAP when she saw the huge drop in ferritin from Nov to Jan.

    Now the thing that is crazy is I don't know how long I've been struggling with this low iron.

    I remember years ago having a ferritin level of 15 when I was still working.

    I was super tired, I don't hardly even remember not being tired.

    But I don't remember the chest pain then.

    Maybe some of the slow thinking....feeling in a daze...finding it hard to do things.

    The only good news is it hasn't been low long enough to affect other things.

    All the other numbers looked normal.

    It's the ferritin only that was low.

    So I'm thinking I'm gonna need at least 1 treatment maybe 2 per month til something changes?

    I have the gyno appt set up for tomorrow at 10 I just happened to see she does the ablation that can be done of the uterus right in her office.

    It's a very short procedure if I'm a candidate and only takes 5 minutes.

    I am fortunate that I have 4 children already and am getting up there in age and with my health in general another pregnancy was not going to happen so it won't affect me negatively in that way.

    I might try the ablation first and see if I can't avoid a major surgery and see if the ablation works for me and continue with iron treatments in the meanwhile.

    I guess maybe if I could get in and get a treatment it would help bring me out of this funk a bit.

    I would feel better be able to think a little better and hopefully the chest pain would stop.

    I should maybe call and see if they can't get me scheduled if that is okay.

    I cannot even remember where my levels were...my thinking is much impaired so I'm going to try to look back here where I wrote them down.

  17. I had a horrible reaction with green beans too although it didn't show up on my allergy testing.

    I can't really do any vegetables or grains.

    I think it's crucial when you're trying these foods to do only very small amounts if they will let you.

    The amount you take in scant will help diminish the reaction and then you know not to try more of that food.

    What I heard was just hold the food under your tongue for 10 minutes and see what happens.

    If you do okay with that take a very small amount swallow and wait 20 minutes.

    I would be careful from now on with all vegetables.

    I also cannot do citrus will react even to the odor.

    The only fruits and veggies I have are canned pears, banana, and potato chips I guess because they are fried.

  18. I have never fainted that I know of.

    But I have times when I feel really really crappy.

    With foods reactions it can feel as if I am going to lose consciousness and stop breathing.

    She said to just pass out and wake right up is no big deal but she said you don't want to pass out and be out for six hours before someone finds you....she said that just isn't good.

    Those words kind of haunted me.

  19. Do any of you have one of these?

    My doctor suggested it for me at my last visit.

    I went not sure if she was supporting me with my disability case.

    I didn't bring that up directly but had to ask for help getting out of jury duty.

    Then I asked for a referral with Dr. Grubb which she approved.

    She had actually heard of him and said there is another guy in with him that she was very impressed with his notes.

    One of her other POTS patients had seen him.

    She said for disability purposes and having a name and a leading researcher she would recommend Dr. Grubb himself.

    Then his was where I thought we might clash horns but I asked for a disability parking tag.

    She approved.

    I thought maybe she would argue my level of disability and suggest I didn't need it but she didn't.

    So it looks like I have her support-I didn't know with my disability case.

    When I told her I was afraid to be alone at times she recommended life alert.

    She said they have a type that can actually tell if you've passed out.

    My family seems to be annoyed with staying with me so I might keep the idea in mind so I don't have to worry as much.

    I think there would be a cost though-not sure what it runs.

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