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Posts posted by TypewriterGirl

  1. Quick Midodrine question - I just started taking it again today and I've noticed that my standing blood pressure is higher than it is when I'm sitting. Is this normal? I'm not exactly sure what I should be looking for except that it should keep my blood pressure up. Normally my sitting BP is around 115/80 and today it's 128/81 sitting and 137/89 standing. Just wanted to see if this is a normal response.

  2. Thanks so much for all of your advice. I was on Wellbutrin for a week and a half and had horrible chest pain, anxiety and insomnia. There was no way I could make it through any longer on it. My mom actually drove down and stayed with me for 3 days to help take care of me. I started 12.5 mg of Zoloft a few days ago and so far no side effects besides sleepiness, except that my BP has been dropping 20 points when standing, which was a lot more sustainable on the Wellbutrin. I'll start on 25 mg after a week or so, and hopefully notice a difference. Even a more positive attitude would be helpful!

  3. I'm taking Florinef and still drinking well over a gallon of fluid a day. Nothing is sticking. I live my life in the bathroom and feel horrible. I take 6-8 ThermoTab salt tablets per day and salt all of my food. I can't imagine living like this forever - I've barely moved from my couch in 2 weeks. Has anyone been in this position? Does it ever get better? I can't help but wonder if there's something else wrong with me, but all of my labs have come back fine except a slightly elevated Cortisol test.


  4. Just downloaded this great app for the iPhone - You're able to log your BP and HR along with notes. It will automatically graph the results and will send your log to yourself and to your doctor. Only cons are that the HR does not go above 130...

    Anyway, it's been really helpful at doctor's appointments for tracking my vitals. Just wanted to pass it along!

  5. I've had this symptom for years - it comes off and on but when it's on, watch out. I can smell things from a mile away. Sometimes my husband and I will play a game where I tell him what my neighbors are cooking a few houses away. The nausea with it isn't fun, but I've found that when this happens (especially at work) I try to smell coffee beans or a good smelling candle. Or go get some fresh air.

  6. On my journey of wellness my doctor prescribed my 20 mg. of Paxil. I've been on tons of antidepressants over the years (best one that worked was an MAOI), but I have cholinergic urticaria, which is basically a heat allergy. I don't think my cardiologist is aware of this and now he's out of town for a while. Have any SSRIs helped you, especially if you have a heat intolerance or allergy? I was on a tricyclic a few years ago and had to go off of it because of my heat intolerance, and was just in urgent care getting IV fluids last night because of dehydration partially due to the heat.

    This all gets easier, right?

  7. I'm moving somewhere it gets very hot and very dry but also has cold winters. And it's in high altitude. After living at sea level for almost 10 years I'm pretty scared, especially since I get dehydrated so easily, on days that are above 75 degrees. Any suggestions - has anyone had success with an ice vest, and can you wear it at work (or will it look like I just ran a marathon)?

  8. I have a temporary placard and will probably end up getting permanent plates. They have really saved me on days I've felt good enough to run errands but know that walking to the store plus walking around the store = me dead for the next few days. I don't use it if I actually feel ok and I always give up my spot to cute old people. But it's really been a godsend, and if you need it, I'd go for it.

  9. So after my long day at the hospital I found out that I'll be moving to Reno, NV this September. I am not used to living in a dry climate, not used to heat, and not used to cold. As excited as I am to move, I'm kind of freaked out about the whole moving process, finding new and amazing doctors, finding a new job and surviving in the rugged terrain. I'm a total wimp. If anyone has any amazing advice about moving, or you live in Reno and love it and are excited for a new friend please let me know! I didn't step foot outside at all last summer except to jump in my air conditioned car to my air conditioned office, so living somewhere that's extremely warmer than where I live now is kinda freaking me out.

  10. So glad the ttt is over for you!

    Now rest up. You will figure out a treatment plan.

    Have you tried waist high compression?

    I've never tried compression hose, but I'm up for anything. Until now I've been on a high salt, high fluid diet. I take .05 Florinef 3x a week and Thermotabs. I've tried Acebutolol but my blood pressure got way too low after my first dose, so now trying the Midodrine route - so far no strokes! I'm half-joking and half-serious. I hate being on any medication that can kill me. The scalp tingling was an interesting experience.

  11. I just had mine yesterday- hope this helps!

    Were you given meds before the TTT? What meds were they and what do they do?

    I was only given a saline IV - they told me if I didn't pass out after 45 minutes they would give me medication that I would try to fight off and could make me pass out. Didn't make it that far.

    How long were you upright and how long before you fainted?

    I lasted a whole 2 minutes standing.

    What were your symptoms when you were first upright (aside from low BP and high HR?)

    It was probably the worst I've ever felt. I was shaking, sweating, had numbness in my fingers, and was hypervenilating. My heart rate was up past 195 and my BP dropped below 50. I was really anxious before starting, but I had been stabilized for about 15 min. before so I wasn't super anxious when I went up.

    What were your symptoms when you had been upright for a while?

    I didn't last long enough to find out.

    Did you vomit?

    No, but I was pretty nauseous. And I felt so bad that I really just wanted to throw up on everyone, just so they'd never do it again.

    How long did it take you to recover from it?

    I got more saline IV afterwards, and stayed on the table for about 25 minutes resting. I didn't leave the hospital for about another hour or so. I'm still recovering, but it was pretty harsh on my system.

  12. Well today I had my Echo and TTT. It was not as positive as I hoped it would be, although I did have tons of compliments on my makeup.

    My Echo revealed that I have a interatrial shunt in my heart, which was kind of scary to hear (and see), but apparently doesn't need any treatment. I'm having a hard time finding information online about it, but basically the septum that separates the chambers of my heart at the bottom is kind of dancing around and flaps open because it didn't close at birth. They said that 5-10% of the population has this issue.

    Apparently during the TTT I beat the hospital record and passed out in under 2 minutes. My heart rate was past 195 at 60 degrees up and my blood pressure was below 50. The last thing I remember was feeling the worst I've felt in my life and asking if I could be done, and the nurse scrambling for a manual BP cuff because the electric one being used couldn't get my low reading. So I now know that OFFICIALLY I have POTS. POTS party at my place - G2 shooters and salt cookies for everyone!

    I had tried Acebutolol before and had a bad reaction, and the doctor put me on Midodrine in addition to .05 of Florinef 3x a week. I'm not very good at tolerating meds.

  13. Well today I had my Echo and TTT. It was not as positive as I hoped it would be, although I did have tons of compliments on my makeup.

    My Echo revealed that I have a interatrial shunt in my heart, which was kind of scary to hear (and see), but apparently doesn't need any treatment. I'm having a hard time finding information online about it, but basically the septum that separates the chambers of my heart at the bottom is kind of dancing around and flaps open because it didn't close at birth. They said that 5-10% of the population has this issue.

    Apparently during the TTT I beat the hospital record and passed out in under 2 minutes. My heart rate was past 195 at 60 degrees up and my blood pressure was below 50. The last thing I remember was feeling the worst I've felt in my life and asking if I could be done, and the nurse scrambling for a manual BP cuff because the electric one being used couldn't get my low reading. So I now know that OFFICIALLY I have POTS. POTS party at my place - G2 shooters and salt cookies for everyone!

    I had tried Acebutolol before and had a bad reaction, and the doctor put me on Midodrine in addition to .05 of Florinef 3x a week. I'm not very good at tolerating meds.

  14. I was diagnosed with POTS in October but I'm having my tilt table test on Wednesday. Needless to say that after watching the YouTube videos, I'm terrified. Anything I should prepare myself for (or brace myself for)? Did anyone wear any fabulous sequin pants under their hospital gown? If I'm passing out and throwing up on myself I want to do it in style.

  15. TG,

    There are a lot of good lotions on the market to help with dryness, and my doctor advised that for me. Like Flop asked, are they testing and getting positive results for the yeast each time, or are they assuming it's a ongoing problem? I've had what seems like yeast/UTI/bacterial vaginosis for about a year now, but it's actually something called 'vulvodynia'. You may want to look this up online and see if the symptoms seem to fit. I had never heard of it before.

    Good luck, and let us know what works!


    I'm pretty sure it's not this - it's always yeast, and it's always as a result of dryness during intercourse or after a heat spell. I will definitely ask my doctor to check into it next time I go in though.

  16. The past few months (years) of my life have been pure **** just trying to stay alive. I wouldn't have figured out my POTS without the help of the internet, a kindred spirit, and persistence. I'd been sick for so long and dealt with doctors who either didn't believe me or knew I was sick and dehydrated, but kept giving me antibiotics.

    I've been on an up-swing, but I'm hoping to figure out one of my other issues, which is my chronic skin dryness, chapped lips/tongue, dry-eye syndrome (bad enough that I can no longer wear contacts because the dryness has scarred my eyes too badly), and overall awful feeling, and am wondering if I need to ask my doctor about Sjogren's as well.


    My other random symptom that no doctor can get a handle on is persistent yeast infections, which occur whenever I have sex (dryness) or am in any type of heat. Does anyone else have this issue. Totally embarrassing to ask, but I'm trying so hard to sort out my life so I'm throwing it out there. Feel free to throw it back at me, I'll duck.

    Anyway, any suggestions, anecdotes, funny pictures of cats dressed in funny hats would be appreciated. Hope everyone is enjoying (or surviving) the holidays!

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