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Posts posted by Nauthiz

  1. well i did have a anaphylactic reaction one supposedly to a bug bite i almost died for real. But since then 5 years ago never had a serious reaction to allergies yet. I carry a epi pen with me just in case. But i do have a fear of it so whenever i get a bug bite i usually throw back 2 benadryls of some quercetin and put cortisone cream on it right away,.

  2. You got me beat i have had 4

    My test totals

    4 CTS

    1 colonoscopy

    1 Endoscope

    1 Scope up the nose

    10 EKGS approx

    24 Heart Monitor

    2 X rays

    Countless Blood Tests

    thats alll i can think of right now.

    All within 1 year.

  3. I think it would be a good idea to start a thread where everyone posts what works / has worked for them from herbs/medication/exercise and so on. Then we could possibly sticky this so everyone knew here or even old here can easily find options that have worked for others.

    The only thing so far i have noticed to possibly help me has been sodium and water.

    I have been drinking 2 bouillon cubs in 16 oz of water to deliver almost 2g of sodium at once seems to help a bit maybe.

  4. I get that way when I have sinus drainage & the only thing that helps is a few days of antihistamines, no decongestants. I do gargle with salt water & soda solution which helps some. Some people gargle with cayenne pepper. Do you have a lot of allergies? Hope it gets better soon.

    How do you know if its sinus drainage ? my nasal is usually always clear so im not sure whats causing it. It dose feel like have some gunk in my throat though , and it feel very irritated.

  5. Vit b has changed my life! Folic acid (one in the b-complex) is used to treat symptoms similar to POTS in over-trained athletes. Heart palpitations and standing tachycardia is also a symptom of B deficiency. I started taking B just incase my problem was really a deficiency (it wasn't) but it DID really help me. It helps with my energy levels and I think it helps a little bit with palpitations/tachycardia, too. But it helps with energy a LOT.

    I vote to try it again!

    that is great i think i will! i doubt the vit b gave me palpitations since it treats it, it was probably the food. My multi has a decent amount of VIT b but no where near the B-50 i got to try here.

  6. This sounds like it may be an infection. Have you gone to an ENT yet to rule that out? I think I'd gargle with salt water, and get in to see my ENT soon.



    yeah i went to a ent awhile ago and had a endoscope and stuff but that was awhile ago. But mr dr looked at my throat few days ago and said looked ok. IT seems like its related to my pots that i have hard time swallowing and throat pain :)

  7. wow...how are you able to do this?? I am so jealous. I guess we are all different...I will keep trying.

    I don't lift anything heavier than my 3 lb weights...and I did that once....mostly I stick with my 1 1/2 lb weights... 25lb weights sounds like I would be very sick for days!!! I know we all just do the best we can and have our own strengths and difficulties.....just made me chuckle tho ....

    Happy 4th.


    haha it was strange at first right after i felt good, i definently got a pump. my veins in my arms were bulging. But after about a hour later my throat was giving me trouble.

  8. Thanks!! I always like reassurance that I am trying to do all I can to get better. I have to say tho that I can in no way do areobic exercise. I do walk some and do a little strength training (very little..like 1 1/2 lb weights) for my arms. Sometimes that is even too much. <_<

    I made the mistake of trying to dance a little to one of my favorite songs a while back....very bad reaction. Activity makes me sooooooooo sick.... I have to go very easy.

    Thanks tho...


    i got lucky today i could do some exercise. I did some arm workouts with 25lb dumb bells and i didnt die! lol i got lucky i guess.

  9. My throat pains keep agitating me lately, and seem to be more severe at times. its like a real harsh pain on my throat itself, sometimes it feels like a pressure on the inside of my throat. It really hurts and is driving me crazy. feels very inflamed and lots of mucous etc. Does any else experience this kind of throat issues almost daily? How u found any relief with anything, meds or remedies? This throat problem is one of my worst.

  10. Doesn't sound like pooling to me. Have you done anything to trigger bruises like kneeling on the floor?


    Thats a good point i think i did knee a bit today. didnt even think about that! But it def seems like i get bruises easier on my knees i dont know if thats knew or not lately, i also looked into the EDS stuff but doesnt sound like i have that really.

  11. Hi Nauthiz,

    I have read all of your other topics you posted, just wanted to let you know. I can understand your anxiety completely. When my POTS kicked into high gear last summer with burning skin pain (constantly on my face!) I thought I was going to either die or go crazy. I even started seeing a therapist just to help deal with the anxiety of my new and many symptoms. It is so overwhelming!!!

    I replied to this post because I have a rather constant headache that gets worse with any upright position, heat/warmth, stress, and eating. I have pooling everywhere (arms, legs and abdomen). When I eat, blood pools more in the abdomen. I find it is essential to lie down for a good 1/2 hour after eating. I often have to eat lying down or the headache (usually accompanied with nausea) makes it hard for me to eat enough.

    When my pooling gets worse, my burning skin pain is worse. Wierd, huh?! I posted in your topic about the rash on your chest and face that I get the same thing. It is a heat rash. What happens when I pool more (from stress, heat - it IS summer, etc) is my face starts burning, then it starts flushing from the chest up even on my scalp, and if I don't get relief soon I get the heat rash because my skin is so red and hot from the flushing. Along with this, my BP goes up.

    Have you gone to a center like Mayo or Vanderbilt, who sees many POTS patients? It was so comforting when I went to Mayo to be seen by a doctor who looked at me and said I wasn't going to die from this, and that I might even get better.

    Right now, it's about 75 degrees in our house, and I'm lying down with my compression hose on and my cooling vest, drinking lots with our little air conditioner blowing. But I went for a 15 minute walk an hour ago and it's hot, so I'm burning on my legs, arms, face, and even in my throat. I've realized these symptoms follow any trigger (stress, exercise, eating, heat, etc.). If I don't take care of myself, I'll be much worse off later... :unsure:

    Thanks for all the replies guys. DO you guys ever get a stiff neck? Like throat muscles or something that feel tight or stiff? I hate it, i just woke up and my nkeci s all stiff.

  12. Lately things just keep getting wierder and wierder. I went to my dr and saw the physicians assitant and she looked me over because i reported tingling headaches last couple days. She said i wasn't in any real danger at the time after neurological exam and said no reason to believe i was having a stroke. She then suggested i get blood work done so i am going to do that tommorow.

    The headaches seemed to correlate after eating most the time. Later in the day they usually went away and i was ok again. So today bam, after eating lucnh the wierd headache comes back. So i put a bandanna on my head, because the pressure really makes it feel alot better, weird right? Anyways i start feeling better after putting it on and out no where my face feels like it has a rash coming on. So i get up look at the mirror only to see my face looks fine?? So i sit back down and right now my face is burning and stinging as if it has a rash or a sunburn with jaw stiffness and i feel difficulty breathing with lots of gas etc. I am so confused and upset and depressed i don't know what to do anymore! None of this stuff even makes sense! Sorry to rant but i just need to get it off my chest and feel better. I really don't know where to turn anymore.

  13. My doc at Mayo recommended 5-7 GRAMS of salt a day. That's a helluva lot of salt! I know I've said it before, but Rold Gold pretzels have tons of salt, as does bouillon (yuck) and other soups. You can also buy buffered salt tabs that won't bother your stomach, but you'd have to take a ton of them to meet your needs. So, I do a combination of food and salt tabs, and I still only get about 3 grams a day. And keep up with the water!



    awesome i will try to aim for that much salt! i wasn't sure what to aim for previously.

  14. Today I am terrible too. Quite strange because I was relatively fine yesterday and all of the last two weeks. I woke up at 3am with a pounding heart, went back to sleep but noticed that I was having strange dreams. Got up and felt instantly anxious and breathless - checked my BP and HR - 139/90 - 132 HR. The day before I was 159/100 and HR was 90 - how weird is that??

    It ***** how things can strangely go terrible quickly. Do you take salt? im tryign to figure out how much to take. I usually eat a burger everyday from mcdonalds because i am very underweight, that has a about a gram of sodium.

  15. Today i got destroyed pretty much. I woke up and walking to the kitchen i had chest pain like someone punched me in the sternum. It kept getting worse til i had shortness of breath so i had to sit. After eating breakfeast i was gone and i was ok again. Later in the day i had a snack after lunch and noticed my whole face felt HOT. Then the left side of my head felt pressure and my eye hurt and my neck was super stiff. It still feels that way with some chest and abdominal pain. No idea why, only thing different about today was before i slept a extended period of 12 hours trying to fix my sleep/awake schedule back to normal.

    I think i am going ot try getting more salt and water, how much salt do you guys recommend? I really need to do something to help myself feel better.

  16. An example of what i mean is, say you get a headache, and you start thinking well what if i have a brain aneurysm or a brain tumor or whatever? Since i never had a MRI i start thinking how could i possible know? Then of course everything you read online about disorders like a brain aneurysm for example is very broad and doesn't really ease anything. I seem to find myself with a dysautonomia dx that i feel paranoid about everything! Sometimes i don't know when to chill or or when to be serious about myself.

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