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Posts posted by toddm1960

  1. Just a note anyone that thinks they may have mitochondrial problems, BB do interfere with the avilability of CoQ-10 into our mitochondria.

    Inhibition by statins and beta blockers

    Coenzyme Q10 shares a biosynthetic pathway with cholesterol. The synthesis of an intermediary precursor of coenzyme Q10, mevalonate, is inhibited by some beta blockers, blood pressure-lowering medication,[23] and statins, a class of cholesterol-lowering drugs.[24] Statins can reduce serum levels of coenzyme Q10 by up to 40%.[25] Some research suggests the logical option of supplementation with coenzyme Q10 as a routine adjunct to any treatment that may reduce endogenous production of coenzyme Q10, based on a balance of likely benefit against very small risk

  2. momtoGiuliana, with either your hashi or your pots do you experience upper body muscle weakness? My muscles are so weak they burn with lactic acid pain even from doing a minor activity...

    Your list of diseases didn't include mitochonrial disease, just from your statement above this should be your next step. Check on www.mda.org and look for the closest MDA clinic to you, it's a good start if everything else has been ruled out.

  3. I will say in my case it was a huge relief to get the diagnosis, I had been chasing it for half my life. It does make it easier to live with feeling so bad so often knowing what's behind it all.

    I wish I could tell you I've found a mito cocktail that has made me feel better, but at this point nothing has improved any of my symptoms. I currently see the metabolic neurologist at the MDA clinic in my area, she sees a good amount of mito patients. She feels very strongly that even though the mito cocktail isn't making me any different, it is slowing the progress of everything, so I continue to take it. That is one point I can bring up, the place to start looking for a mito dianosis is at the closest MDA clinic to where you live. If there are other mito patients in your area I'll bet that is where they're being seen. That reminds that MDA.org is another good site for mito information.

  4. I've spend half my life trying to find a cause and affect, as many have said what helps one day, doesn't the next.

    It hits home the point that no one really knows the true root cause of POTS, we're just treating symptoms. Whether its high NO or low NO or increased renin or a NET deficiency........ Once the real cause is known maybe it will explain how one medacation will work one day and not the next.

  5. The reason mitochondrial diease is so difficult to diagnos is it can affect and organ any cell in your body. Or in the case of dysautonomia the lack of ATP can affect how our nervous systems functions. Mitochondrial disease in the past was only thought to be a defect in your mitochondrial DNA, reseach has now found most adult cases are in defects of your nuclear DNA that interact with your mtDNA and cause a breakdown in one or more of the 5 complexes in your oxidative phosphorylation process. The list of mito systems can be huge, check out these two sites and look at their symptom lists: www.mitoaction.org and www.umdf.org Both are very good and have a lot of information.

    The short answer to your question on breathing problems is yes, I had been to two different pulmonologists looking at respiratory problems before my mito diagnosis. Good luck in finding some help and welcome to our little dysfunctional group :D

  6. I'm still in the retrovirus camp for a couple of reasons. First it explains the the out breaks and clusters seen, and second once infected the retrovirus can damage the DNA causing the mutation behind the autoimmune response, that we then can pass on. I think this study is an awesome start, but really just scratching the surface. I don't want to see the retrovirus research end because of this study.

  7. I continue to try, I'll never give up trying, but 6 years later I'm still at square one. If I look at how I felt 6 years ago, I'm much worse off today. No matter how little I do or how slow I start I'm wipped out for 24 to 48 hours after doing something. For me it's major exercise just to do minor housework, the next day always feels like gravity triples over me.

  8. I'm not sure if many on here have those joint aches and pains, but I sure do. I'm just like you every joint in my body hurts, it feels like I'm frozen in the morning or after sitting for only a few minutes. It starts at my neck and runs all the way down to my ankles.......even the joint in my toes are stiff and sore. I've had ANA levels checked and everything comes back normal, though I am possitive to HLAB27....which is a whole another story. Good luck and I'm glad you've found us :D

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