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Posts posted by geneva

  1. WOW what a horrible night you have had...I am so sorry. Sounds like you body was trying to let you know that it needed more rest. MAybe you could really use the fluids right now. While a trip to the er is no fun, it might help get you back on your feet sooner. Since you are going to have a long 2 weeks trying to care for the kids alone it might be best to consider. Can someone keep the kids for you?

    Take care of yourself.

  2. Mary, I am so glad you shared this good news with all of us. I think there have been a lot of people sending love and prayers to you and Marissa and let's hope that you will get some answers. I hate that she will need to go through so many tests -- she must be one brave little 5 year old -- but I will keep praying she gets help....and you as well. all the best!

  3. Melanie, I am sorry for all the difficulties you have encountered in trying to find what will work to help you improve. My own experience is that I found that the beta blocker worked at first, especially since I also needed it to help offset florinef but over time neither med worked for me, particularly making my bp unstable. My bp was dropping dramatically and I felt just like you described.

    Also do you have hypovolemia? I have learned that hypovolemia is a real issue to manage day to day (especially without Florinef)....my electrolytes get out of balance very easily, most especially sodium -- even though I salt everything. When this happens I feel terrible but when my fluid tank is full, I have a much better reaction. These are just things to discuss with your doctor. Hope you can find someone more understanding.

  4. Hey, Merrill, I know what you mean about computers...I have hit a button occasionally and erased everything as well....just wish my computer KNEW what I wanted it to do!!

    I too had a holter monitor 4 years ago but don't have any of the results...sorry.

    90 minutes in traffic -- are you someplace having all the bad weather???

    sleep well, and perhaps all (something?) will be better tomorrow. take care.

  5. Mary, why not give your pastor a call and ask if he could drop by at a time convenient for you. Do not try to impress him by cleaning. Tell him some of the details of what is going on right now in yours and Marissa's lives. Then, ASK him for help. If he is a good one, he will know where to take the conversaton from there. Mary this canNOT hurt. You need help right now and while that is hard to admit and even harder to act upon, it really seems you need a break. Just try it!

  6. Emily, I am just now catching up on your news and my 2 cents are: do NOT waste even ONE more minute thinking about the 1st appointment. You handled yourself beautifully my friend! Now keep all your strength for next week. hey, my GI doc is admitting me to hospital on the 19th too! (for colonoscopy on 20th).

    Your surgeon sounds wonderful. I always believe that word of mouth from others who have had experience with a specific doctor is the best recommendation. I am so glad that you found someone who cares enough to call your doctor with you still there. That is terrific. I know it seems a long time to go until next week, especially since it is so hard for you to eat and avoid any late night attacks. But, you have been through so much so far....you know you can do this to. Can you drink Ensure? I live on it when things get really bad. I can't do it too long cuz of the sugar but for a week I can manage.

    I know today was your first meeting and after a long day you may not be up to thinking more about your upcoming surgery. But, one thing I did want to mention is to decide if you want an anesthesiology consult before surgery. If that would make you feel more comfortable you should ask the surgeon's office how to set it up....what anesthesiology group they use and then call and set up an appointment. Even for my procedure my GI doc set it up so I can discuss my condition with them this week and I am only having conscious sedation.

    I hope you don't have too bad a crash from today's energy output and stress overload. Take care.

  7. I just wanted to add that I don't get hot hands, but I do get hot feet (from the inside out -- to touch them they are normal temp). Both hands and feet can also be freezing AND sometimes I am unable to accurately determine the temperature. For example, my husband will say that my feet are ice cold and they feel perfectly normal to me and vice versa.

  8. Hi Emily, I can tell from your "tone" that you are disappointed that you didn't get in today and I can certainly understand why you would be but tomorrow is just around the corner. My vote....since you asked....is to go to both appointments. If I understand correctly, your mom can go to the first appt with you. If so, take mental notes on the things SHE brings up so that you can ask those also in the afternoon. My personal criteria....after you know they have done a bunch of gb surgeries.....is how YOU FEEL they are listening to YOUR needs....which face it....are a little different than everyone else who walks through the door. Of course, remember that surgeons, think THEY are pretty special too (LOL)

    While it would be great if your mom could go to both, remember Emily, YOU CAN DO THIS!! You are smart, you have done your homework, you know what your needs are, and you will know whether the surgeon is the one for you. Trust your instincts.

    I am so glad the levsin is helping you. I do well with it too. But I know how you enjoy food so just think when this is over you will be back to sharing your dinner menus with us.....mmm.....you and your mom are very good cooks!!

    Now, just to build your ego....which clearly needs it, Miss EM!! you know I put off my colonoscopy til after the first of the year?? Well it is on for later this month. I have been tempted to reschedule due to feeling poorly but I keep thinking....hey, look what Emily is going through and how crappy she feels....I can do this simple little test....so see you are a motivator. Now, be good to yourself and go in tomorrow with all the confidence you can muster!!! Hugs, hugs and more hugs.

  9. Dawn, I know you leave in the morning so just wanted to send you off with a bouquet of positive thoughts for the trip ahead. Whether alone or with your friend, enjoy the adventure and sail through the many tests most likely awaiting you at Mayo. Don't forget to have a plan in place when you arrive home that allows for Dad to keep up with the kids so you can rest and then rest some more!

    Be safe and be healthy!

  10. Sorry to hear you have been through so much stress lately. I can say that stress, even minor daily stresses, can effect how I feel. I also practice yoga and do breathing exercises. Finding a quiet place to do this even for 10 or 15 minutes helps a lot.

    good luck to you and your children during this stressful period.

  11. Hi Mary, I've been in a post holiday potshole so maybe we can all share the space. I just want to say that from your previous posts it is obvious you are a terrific Mom. Being a mom with a chronic illness is tough and I know many on this site do an amazing job. Being a mom with a chronic illness and having a child with one as well is .... just, well ....hard to imagine. Do give yourself the credit for doing everything in your power to help her get better even when it is at your own expense.

    The one thing I would suggest is to ASK for the help that you need. I am terrible at this and I know we have many type A personalities on this site and we hate to ask for help. I tried it over the holidays, asking specific tasks to be taken over by others. Much to my surprise they were very pleased to be told what was needed and then did them. Maybe not to my standards, but that is another thing to let go (lol). Corina has some good ideas on what to ask for help from others. Often people just don't know WHAT to do to help those who are ill.....tell them! Find one thing today and call or ask someone to do it...develop the habit. Mary, you must or you will be in that potshole for way too long. That is not good for you or your daughter.

    I am sorry your daughter's doctor has let you down. It must be so frustrating but when you are stronger, start the process of getting someone new for her.

    I'm beginning to see the light from my potshole and hope you will too soon!

  12. Paige,

    I am so sorry that this situation is happening to you. Perhaps your ex knows he will not win but also knows that he is adding stress to your life and maybe that is his goal. I certainly can't know the motives but hope that you take the appropriate steps others have suggested and then try, although it would be incredibly hard, to set aside the issue unless he actually goes forward with the threat. You don't want the stress to so negatively effect you that caring for your kids becomes more difficult. Stress is so difficult for our fragile systems. Don't let him win by making yourself sicker. Best of luck!

  13. Hi Tearose. So glad to hear that you had a very productive visit with your doctors today and wow that was very considerate to get you in for a test while you were there...nice doctor.

    BTW, I was in such a brain fog when this topic started that I could never grasp the details of the discussion much less think of a proper response (sorry). Reading your explanation today of the question was much clearer!! or maybe I am in less of a fog...who knows?

    hope Mayo doctors come through for you but I bet you follow up closely with them until they do (lol). good luck.

  14. Emily, thanks so much for taking the time to keep all of us updated when I know you don't really feel well at all. It is so wonderful to have your Mom as your best advocate, especially at a time when you are feeling a little green. I hope that this surgeon turns out to be one that you can trust. I predict that if he/she is the one, you will reduce your stress level just a smidge.

    Keeping you in my thoughts!

  15. Hi Dawn, good to hear from you. sorry you are feeling poorly just before your trip. I think it will be great if your girlfriend can go with you...don't fight her on this! When you finish at Mayo...or should I say when they finish with you (lol)... you will probably be more tired and may not feel up to the long trip home by yourself. With someone else there you can turn some things over to her like logistics and just focus on yourself. She is a good friend to offer to go with you.

    Safe and healthy journey!

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