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Are These Common Dysautonomia Symptoms?

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Chest pain, tightness, squeezing

Arm, jaw, upper back pains

Sweaty hands and feet

Nausea waves

Frequent trips to the toilet (number twos)

Tingling type of numbness in hands or arm

These symptoms often come in waves of 2 or more together., eg- chest pain, sweaty hands/feet, toilet - all at once.

I understand that these can be symptoms for other conditions.. But I'm really just wanting to know if many others believe that all of these can be common for our condition.. Thank u!

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At the beginning I had all those including the bathroom frequency which later changed to the opposite problem.

I hope you get a clear diagnosis. I know we are always told not to assume everything is autonomically related. Not certain that is even a word :)

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Chest pain, tightness, squeezing, Nausea waves, Sweaty hands and feet; These are all pretty common symptoms of POTS as well as digestive issues which tend to be a bit different for everyone, but obviously any symptoms that concerns you should be checked out, either with a autonomic specialist or cardiologist just to be safe. Some of these can also be symptoms of anxiety which many of us have as well. Do you notice you get your chest pain and nausea symptoms specific to certain activities (standing, walking around vs sitting or laying down)? Or specific enveronments; a hot day outside vs sitting in an air conditioned room?

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  • 4 weeks later...

I have POTS and I have the tingling in the hands and feet. I have TMJ so I have jaw pain and it does lock up on me. I also have the chest squeezing and nausea. Very common in POTS patients unfortunately. I sadly don't know how to battle all of these symptoms. The TMJ I go to a specialist at the University at Buffalo and take a lot of pain medication. The nausea I usually get with horrible abdominal pain. I take a sodium pill and drink a lot of water and that seems to help with that.

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I have all of those symptoms, the chest pain and tightness generally happens when I run and/or go to the bathroom/change positions. Do you find it increases then? I also have constant stomach issues. I'm also in the process of trying to figure out what the heck is going on. Let us know how it goes for you! I know it's super annoying to have all these seemingly unrelated issues that bother you constantly.

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Yes, sometimes I get some strong chest pains, left side.
Seems to happen often this year (problems started 3 years ago with tachycardia). I also feel it almost in the under arm area.
It feels like veins are squeezing in the chest. It looks like a mirrored C, all around the breast area.
I feel veins on the back as well. I feel the blood pumping through.
I also get a lot of chest vibrations.

My left arm is usually fine during such episodes, but I have felt tightness in the bicep area perhaps 3 times.

My jaw is fine.

Yup, I get nausea often. It feels really bad so I take an over the counter drug.

No, I don't usually get sweaty hands. I have had a couple of episodes of being extremely sweaty all over my body. It was like someone turned on the faucets.

Toilet : I am mostly ok but I seem to be having more diarrea now.
Getting more migraines.

Dizziness, lightheadedness, difficulty to think.
There is also that really weird feeling that is hard to describe. It feels like my chest and arms are electrified.

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