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Vague Symptom


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I keep getting this symptom, but it is vague, so keep thinking maybe I am imagining it - especially because it sometimes comes on when I know something is expected of me. It feels somewhat like low blood sugar - like weak/fatigued - but not extremely, empty stomach feeling (sometimes it is actually empty, but sometimes I have eaten recently). I did have a low blood sugar episode - while pregnant - late morning - once - which was not fun - sweaty, very hungry, shaky - recognized it, ate and I was fine. This vague thing now though - is somewhat like it except I don't sweat or shake or feel very hungry (usually mildly hungry to not at all - no appetite). So, it kind of approximates the low blood sugar feeling, but is it really? Is this 'reactive hypoglycemia' - and is it a POTS symptom - i.e. is the endo system affected by POTS?????

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one more thing - I get this frequently late morning (but other times too). I know I do not eat enough in the morning, because my appetite is very low in the morning and tends to improve throughout the day. It does happen even after I have eaten though. I can't help but think I would feel better if I gained some weight - have always been about 92-96#s (pregnant 108-114, nursing 99-107)......but seems that weight would help me feel better. oh, and what i eat does not seem to have any bearing on this - in fact i crave and eat more sugar later in the day/evening and feel fine. do not crave sweets at all early in the day...don't crave much of anything until maybe lunchtime....does anyone else feel like this?

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Feeling weak and fatigued is a classic POTS symptom, I guess most of us get it some of the time. For me it can come on at any time of the day but seems to hit more often in the morning.

I'm not aware of there being a direct link between POTS and hypoglycaemia and with the absence of hunger, sweating and trembling this may well be different to the hypoglycaemic attack you previously had. If it is hypoglycaemia it should rapidly respond to having something sugary to eat.

Weakness and fatigue are some of the most difficult POTS symptoms to explain, and therefore can be difficult to target a treatment directly at them. I often think that my episodes are due to lower then normal blood pressure, and I find that drinking 2 large glasses of cold water can help end the episode (doesn't always work but worth a try).

I hope you find a way round these symptoms,


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I was also told that Dysautonomia and hypoglycemia are definitely related -- when my Dysaut is acting up I have a lot more hypoglycemic episodes, which always respond to getting a little bit of food or some sugar. I hope you find a way to deal with it!

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what you describe is pretty much how I feel when my bp is too low and I'm starting to go into shock... I get shaky and feel pretty terrible.


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I described similar symptoms to my endocrinologist. He told me that POTS symptoms can strongly mimic hypoglycemia--you can get these symptoms yet your blood sugar is normal. I had tests that bore this out (I had the symptoms during the test, my blood sugar was very stable). I am not sure what the explanation is unfortunately other than a hyper-sensitive ANS.

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