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Another Promising Doctor


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Just came back from seeing an autonomic specialist in Chicago. She's an endocrinologist with an interest in orthostatic hypotension. No silver bullets, but she seemed competent, careful, thorough, human. Many tests were run, much blood was let, and I go back in a couple weeks to hear results. She thought there was a good chance my ncs was related to eds, but doesn't want to presume, so ran a bunch of other tests.

No changes in meds till we have test results, but she did have good advice about midodrine, which she has a lot of experience with. She said not to be overly concerned about lying down with it-- I don't fit the profile of the type of person who gets supine hypertension. Monitor the bp, but she said it's probably a non-issue. She also said to beware of the generic.

She also said that blood pressure in the brain may not always parallel blood pressure in the arm with people who have autonomic issues-- so that's why you can feel awful and have okay numbers, and feel okay and have lousy numbers.

Since my bp occasionally spikes high, she prescribed clonidine prn, if I get sustained readings over 170/90. but not to worry if I occasionally hit 140/90. Mostly I'm 90/60, but range between 80/40-140/90-- once at 170/100.

She wants to do a glucose tolerance test on me, since my blood sugar runs high-normal, I have a family history of diabetes, and occasionally have had a highish reading. Also wants a 24 hour eeg and a sleep study.

Fingers crossed. Again, I have to leave my local champaign docs to get good care, but it's good to know that there are reasonable, responsive, knowledgeable doctors out there.

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