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Balance Problems


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Aloha all,

Woke up last night with a "new" symptom. Felt o.k. when woke up but had to get up to use the bathroom. When I got up I felt like all the balance had gone on the left hand side: I was staggering to the left. I've had this before when I woke up (generalized lack of balance, not one side) and it seemed to be a symptom of getting up too quickly and I shook it off very fast. This time, however, I could not shake it off. I could balance on my right leg but not my left. The curious thing was, I did not feel dizzy, just couldn't balance myself.

This morning the balance issue is not so bad but I feel so dizzy that I did not go to work--very unusual for me.

My question is, is it usual to get balance problems like this without feeling dizzy or is this something else?

I was diagnosed with POTS about three years ago, also have hyper adrenergic excess. I am currently taking .1mg of florinef, 25mg of atenolol, clonazepam, and birth control pills. I have also recently finally got my weight down into what the NIH defines as a "healthy range" aka the BMI charts (5 foot 6 and 140lbs). Lost about 16;bs in the last two and a half months. Don't know whether any of this is relevant, but hoping for some insight from fellow survivors!


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It seems like the nighttime brings out all the weird pots symptoms. I know there have been many nights where I think "what the **** is this?" One night I was so off balance that as I sat on the toilet I completey missed and fell between the toliet and the wall. I don't know whether what happened to you is just another crazy pots symptoms but you are not alone. Maybe check with you dr and rest and drink some extra fluid today.

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Yeah, I can wake up very uncoordinated, not knowing where I am, and not able to walk very well. Also, can wake up with arms like a rag doll. I am not really able to control them very well, and they just fall to my side or lap. I am really off balance and weak. I think a lot of it is the meds... It can be fun! :P

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Yep, been there done that to .

I once got up in a restaurant , Dingles in Plymouth and my balance had just gone on my right side , no reason at all :blink: just gone , so there I was stood up and started sort of leaning ....come ....walking to my right side at a very strange angle ........couldnt stop myself and my husband couldnt grab me as he has no hand on this said ..............er sort of walked , fell sideways onto the next table ...........flat onto 2 breakfasts of egg, bacon , sausages, tomatoes and baked beans !

The people at the table thought I was drunk :) until both my husband and the manager of the shop , who I know so very well explained I have this awful condition and sometime fall over . Must admit breakfast on a body is most embarrassing and rather messy , beans in hair thats almost to your waist are hard to pick out . !

So now when I go to get up , especially in Dingles ! I do it in bits , 1 foot up from chair, wait , 2 foot up , wait .

I've staggered around all over the place , getting quite a reputation for looking drunk , whilst not having a drop of drink , have been asked before ' whatever your on I'd like some ' well mate , have a dose of POTS and then you'd not laugh so long and so loud at me :(

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