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Good day!

I am excited to be a member of this forum as of today.

I have been reading the posts for several months and have learned so much.

I'm thankful for this site as I have just begun dealing with a diagnosis of POTS and the like. You can see the list of all my dx (that I can think of) in my signature. However, I must admit that having this diagnosis is WAY better than all the time I spent undiagnosed or misdiagnosed with anxiety disorder, hypochondriac, whatever the particular doc decided that day.

My primary doc was pretty quick to diagnosis MVP as the problem, but when the basic beta-blocker didn't take away all the symptoms she threw up her hands and said "I just don't know what to do for you. She even refused to see me any longer after I went to an autonomic disorders specialist in Birmingham. I was hoping the second opinion/conslt would help us both to work together to get me back to a functioning level with my job and my life. Didn't happen. Seems she was threatened or something by my seeing the other doctor despite her own admission that she knew nothing more to try. It didn't help that I was feeling really good following the consultation which included some minor medication dosing changes.

Physicians have been the most frustrating part of the puzzle that is POTS and ANS dysfunction. Finding someone to take the symptoms seriously and not dismiss you as a freak or attention seeking is a major accomplishment. I live in a tiny town in which there are few options for docs which makes the issue more disconcerting. Currently, my new physician whom I sought out following my being fired from the other PCP, is very concerned and wanting to do all sorts of tests because my bp isn't acting as he thinks it should. Basically, he wants to start the diagnosis process all over. I don't want to go there. I want him to read the materials I have given him from the MVP specialist and not try to reinvent the wheel. I suppose the good news is that he cares and really seems to want to figure this out. This is much better than the other doc's response of refusing to see me any longer! This new doc called today sayingn he had done some research over the weekend and thought I should try . . . and let him know in the next 48 hours if I was feeling better. I was so happy that he took the initiative to read up and try to do something for me. I think he is a good guy AND his office is within walking distance from mine - that is when the temp isn't 93 at 9:00am!!!

Enough about me. I'm glad to be able to communicate with all of you now and look forward to getting to know my POTSy friends out there!!!

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Dari~ Welcome to the Forum :rolleyes:

I'm glad you've found a doctor that is willing to work with you, its such a relief when you find someone who wants to help you get better and not just "give up" when things get confusing and beyond their knowledge.

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Hi Dari,

welcome to the group. As you have been reading for a while you will already know that we are a friendly bunch and try to help each other out as much as possible. I'm glad you've felt that the time was right to join in on the discussions.

Your new PCP sounds enthusiastic and I hope you can both work together to get the best med combination for you.


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