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Hyperventilation And Airplane Travel


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I happened to ask my cardiologist about why I tend to feel like I'm hyperventilating when flying, as I know it's not due to nerves. I've flown for as long as I can remember and have never been nervous about it. Well, he said that the changes in pressure and oxygen affect the autonomic nervous system. At least I understand why I get that feeling now. He told me that some people with autonomic neuropathy/dysfunction benefit from using oxygen while flying. Has anyone here used oxygen while flying?

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The passenger cabin of an airplane is pressurized to the equivalent of around 7,000 ft. So, yes, oxygen is not as plentiful and hyperventilating and other uncomfortable symptoms can occur in POTS patients. I have never had significant problems flying, or even at 7,000 ft. I do feel pretty bad at 11,000+ feet, I have found from experience. It is important to stay hydrated as the air is drier and you will lose fluids faster at higher altitudes. I have not heard of anyone with POTS using oxygen while flying. There have been a lot of discussions on this topic--you can use the search feature to find them.


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Guest tearose

I recently had trouble in flight with this even in my compression hose. I immediately reached for electrolytes and water and in several minutes felt better. I did bend forward to help do a maneuver to help my heart beat more normally. It was uncomfortable for those few minutes, but if you are prepared you will manage fine. I adjusted to greater compression for my flight home and I did fine!

take care, tearose

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I just took two flights this week... yes, I just keep focusing on breathing regular and deep. Oxygen could be a good option if you're badly bothered!

Tearose... I had a huge problem this time with the fluids issue! BEACAUSE... they don't let you take any fluids through security!

SO... if you're traveling... have your doctor write a presecription saying that you medically need the fluids!!


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Guest tearose

Good point Roselover. Can you afford to buy the water after finishing with security?

The letter was good for my seat cane and extra stuff like lotions I needed but the security officers still get all bent out of shape over water. I have chosen to make less of an ordeal of this and just spend the extra bucks on water AFTER going through security. I think they have a hard enough time keeping things moving I no longer want to press this issue. I do know someone else may choose otherwise, but for all the aggravation and frustration I spend the extra 3 bucks on water.

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