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Florinef Or Midodrine?


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From my experience with Florinef, I would say Midodrine. Midodrine caused goose bumps, scalp tingling...but it sure beat the monster migranes. Have you tried various beta blockers? Have you tried anti-depressants like zoloft, effexor, etc? It usually takes trial and error to come up with a cocktail of drugs to work for you.

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I have found great success with florinef. Being on it actually decreases my migraines/headaches and I really can't function without it.

I have found a successful combination with florinef and a beta blocker.

It does take a lot of trial & error... give meds time to work and give your body time to adjust. Sometimes the first week or two can be rough but things can get better once the med starts to work correctly (that's just my experience). Different combos work for different people.

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I just started Florinef 3 weeks ago, I did get major head pressure/migraines for the first 2 weeks. They have gone now and I feel better.

I'm on Toprol XL and Florinef and this is the best I have felt since I got sick. (Not that anyone knows what's wrong) :(

I agree that everyone is different, you just have to find what's good for YOU. :o

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Hi Zip,

Meds are different for everyone. For me, the Florinef made me retain too much fluid behind my ears, even when I was on the smallest dose. It was too painful for me to continue. I also tried to take Duravent with the Florinef for a while. That dried things up behind my ears, but it gave me nose bleeds and made me lose my voice a lot. Plus, Duravent can raise your pluse, which causes more problems with POTS! So...I went from one side effect to another and eventually had to go off of all of those meds!

The midrodine worked beautifully for me for 3 weeks. I went from being stuck in bed most of the day to being back to normal. My blood pressure stayed up at a normal level, and my heart rate stayed down where it was supposed to. But then after three weeks I slowly got worse again. It was like my body got used to the meds and learned how to be dysfunctional even with them. Agh!

But a lot of people have success with both of those. Try them out and see how they work for you. Hope all goes well.


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Florinef caused a daily headache for me. Midodrine is a godsend for me even though my migraines are more frequent. I could not work if it was not for midodrine. When my scalp starts tingling I know the midodrine dose is kicking in. I scratch my scalp due to midodrine causing itching. I tell my coworkers that I do NOT have lice!! Hah hah.

Cheryl I hate the midodrine 10mg tablets but two of the 5mg tablets are so much easier to swallow. The orange 5mg tablets are easier to swallow than the white ones. There are different generic manufactorers. They are all so chaulky though which makes swallowing them without liquid a gag feast! I sometimes am somewhere without a drink but cannot be even a little late for my pills. I wish they had a longer half life. I feel them wearing off between doses even though I take 5mg two tablets four times a day.


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