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My best friend has had fibromyalsia for the past 3 years- she also has a really hard time sleeping at nite- so she takes Ambien- at nite, and then during the day she is exhausted. She has had some sleep studies done, with nothing. She has had some tests done to check her heart as well. She doesnt have the finances, and her insurance isnt very good at the moment, so she isnt doing much about seeing other drs ect. I have seen that some ofyou have fibro along with all of your other POTS and autonomic issues, I am just wondering if there is anything that you have found that helps with ur fibro. I am sure that the 'other' issues are far worse, and the fibro is a 'smaller' symptom, but if there is anything that you have found to help, please share! Or PM me THANKS! for any help, we both appreicate it! She is in her first year of college, but with any illness, she is having a hard time keeping the energy level up to do it all! I give her credit for going and trying, I dont think my pots would allow me to go at this point in time!!

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I found out the best thing that worked for me was I started walking. Not all works for everyone but I started walking alittle then a little more each day and my symptoms are so much better and I dont even have to take my celebrex anymore. It hurts and I was sore..soaked in bathtub but walked again the next day. Like I said what worked for me might not work for her but I do believe with me working those muscles, clearing my mind, breathing fresh air did the trick for me.

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Guest sonotech

Hey Jess,

I tried to send you a PM but it would not go through.....it said either your box was full or you had the PM turned off on your settings. I also didn't see an email listed for you.

PM me if you get a chance, I had some info for you!!

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I use to take Tripaleen but stop and my Fibro has improved significantly. I use to go for injections at the trigger stops but my pain is considerably less with out medication. Tell your friend to watch her diet. I have noticed if I eat sugar I have more pain. I am not aloud sweets but when I do my Fibro gets worst. Most of all just accept the problem. If you make peace with all you have then things go allot better. :)

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