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How Do You Prevent Injury When Or Before You Faint


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Happened just a few days ago. Got real woozy, and had to sit down on the sidewalk. Rather sit down than fall down. Embarassing? yes, but if I didn't leave my house I would lose whatever is left of my sanity, so for me it's totally worth the risk.

I find that the more I walk, the more I am able to walk, and get deconditioned really quickly. So as hard as it may be on some days, I force myself out (even in bad weather), so I don't get "out of shape"

You may want to carry water. And a cell phone.


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thank you, Ariella. found the same thig the more I walk the better, otherwise it is a miserable life....I want to be able to walk like before always on the move and enjoying total freedom without even understanding it....

Happened just a few days ago. Got real woozy, and had to sit down on the sidewalk. Rather sit down than fall down. Embarassing? yes, but if I didn't leave my house I would lose whatever is left of my sanity, so for me it's totally worth the risk.

I find that the more I walk, the more I am able to walk, and get deconditioned really quickly. So as hard as it may be on some days, I force myself out (even in bad weather), so I don't get "out of shape"

You may want to carry water. And a cell phone.


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This is difficult for sure. When I was first diagnosed with NCS they told me drink more fluids, exercise and just make sure you're in a clear area, so as not to harm yourself if you feel faint!!! I thought this was the most insane thing I had ever been told!! First, I could never assume I would be in a situation where I have enough warning to get to a safe position, sometimes I was driving and would panic trying to find a way to pull over on the road in traffic. This was before we tried meds, but even with meds things have since gone way downhill. I am now homebound and spend most of my time on couch, recliner or bed, but I was so frustrated at them telling me this, like it was no big deal - not fine with me- however, haven't found a better answer yet as meds aren't doing it for me. :D

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