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If you do not know about this report, you might find it quite informative: The NDRF Handbook for Patients with Dysautonomias" by Goldstein & Smith. It can be accessed at:


This book helps provide some answers to many of our questions.

I submitted it to justify why my employer (the fed govt.) should approve my request for waiver of advanced sick leave due to retirement because of disability. The first time I sought this waiver the work doctor disallowed my request. I then submitted not only additional medical evidence on my condition but also a number of monographs and general information resources. My request was then approved.

I also included Dr. Grubb's most recent article as well as Dr. Low's study on quality of life for people with POTS.



Thank you so much for posting this link, I just spent my whole morning reading this. It was so informative and reading about some of the things I had been experiencing and the explainaions was comforting.


Kim ;)

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