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weaned off Celexa--update

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Hi folks. Well, I weaned myself off the celexa...with the intent to stay off b/c I gained so much weight on it, and b/c I didn't think it helped me all that much.

Well, I though I should share that I WAS WRONG. :wacko: It's now been almost a week since my last dose, and I did notice slight dizziness as early as Weds, but I didn't attribute it to anything other that it being warmer out and me tryning to do too much. Until last night, that is. I was so dizzy yesterday evening that I couldn't move my head without feeling like the room was spinnng. And, today, I was just completely nonfunctional. Even sitting up is too much...and my gut issues are now in full swing. :blink:

So much for this little experiment. I took half a dose this afternoon b/c I need to see if it helps me get back to "my normal". Meanwhile, I'll be calling my local guy for an appointment to start me on a different med that's similar by not associated with weight gain.

Off to eat some salty popcorn...:rolleyes:


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I prefer Chex mix too :wacko:...however, all the Chex products contain gluten :rolleyes:, includiing corn and rice chex. If I recall, it's not in the flours used, it's the fact that they use barley malt as a flavoring agent.

I'm already feeling slighty better w/ my big bag of popcorn (210 mg) w/ extra salt (a few teaspoons)...and a diet pepsi (has 35 mg of sodium). Ahhhh. A bit of relief.

Nina :blink:

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Hey NIna,

I came of Lexapro and whoa did I have problems................nonfunctionable was not the word, I am just glad my family is still alive :rolleyes:. I start on my new med tuesday.............hopefully we will make it (my family). I haven't seen any difference in my weight gain, still have all these crazy cravings.


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Paige, do let me know how it goes for you! I weaned of the celexa very carefully, with at least a week or two at a reduced dose, then to every other day...then stopped. Oh well. Suppose my body really did need it.

Yeah, I have the weirdest food cravings right now. Back to my peanut butter kick...but I put dried cherries on it...on top of very salty rice crackers.

I tried to go to the grocery store today, but couldn't get out of the car...anything beyond sitting made my head so swimmy I knew I was going to be laid out on the ground. Doing that at home is one thing...at the market would mean an ambulance and unnecessary trip to the er...and a comotion. Ugh.

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Good grief Nina, what an awful weekend you must have had! I didn't realize how much the SSRIs help other symptoms besides anxiety. I hope you're having a better day today! Deb

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"I prefer Chex mix too ...however, all the Chex products contain gluten , includiing corn and rice chex."

Ahh, but you can get wheat/gluten-free Chex-like mixes at hippiemarts and wholefood stores. I eat them on occasion.

On SSRIs: my experince with them is mixed. On the one hand, they do help with anxiety and fast heart rates; on the other, they kill my sexual response. I can't tolerate that; but I am thinking of maybe adding 50mg/day of Zoloft to take the adrenaline edge off the Adderall. Adderall is the smoothest of the amphetamine products available, but when your system is already volatile, it can cause jitteriness and tachycardia (my HR is about 100 on it; usually, it's 80-85). I need the dopamine and vasoconstriction; not the adrenaline.

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Hi Sak, I've tried the mixes from the health food store...tastes okay, but not quite as satisfying as the real deal.

I have to agree that celexa completely killed my sex drive. It went from low because of my exhaustion to completely nonexistent.

I'm currently regretting my choice to stop the Celexa--today, work was really tough. I think I got a taste of what those of you live through who can no longer work. Nausea, dizzy, hard to focus, exhausted, alternating sweating and freezing. I managed to hold it together untl 4pm and then high tailed it home...ahhhhhhh. I love my couch.


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