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Any advice for energy


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Please can you ladies give me any advice? I would just love to sleep all day. I don?t have any energy, my body is very heavy. I am battling to concentrate and feel horrible. My gyny says I can't take anything to help. I am on a good multivitamin, plus I can?t drink any of these energy drinks. Between my heart and sugar levels, its just water for me.

HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My baby is taking all my energy. B)

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Ling--I hear you. I had to leave work at 32 weeks--I was too exhausted. Are you still working? I was able to work at home a bit, thanks to the nature of my work and that my boss was willing to be flexible. It sounds like you have some kind of sugar problem--reactive hypoglycemia or gestational diabetes--you said something about sugar levels. I found I had to completely cut out sugar during later pregnancy--although I never had any problem with sugar levels--I had the symptoms of reactive hypoglycemia.

Are you drinking enough fluids? What about salt--what does your ob/gyn say about that? I just seemed to be constantly volume depleted in later pregnancy--unlike what is typical! If you are drinking a lot of water, you might be washing out electrolytes a bit? I don't know--but this might be something to ask. If your electrolytes are low that could be making you tired too.

I hope you can give your body the rest it needs. It will be good for your baby too.


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Hi Ling - I'm not sure if this is ok for pregnancy so ask you dr, but I use Electromix made by alacer...it has no sugar in it...just the essential electrolites to add to water.....

I know you are outside the US but you can order it from www.vitacost.net or go to www.alacer.com

Maybe you could also ask about adding some "good" salt such as celtic or himalayan sea salt to your water as well.....

I hope you feel better!

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I don?t want to even tell you what my working hours are like lately. Since last year June I am working 9 out of 10 weekends. That is 7 days a week up to 13 hours a day. I am running an important fruit fly trial that only I am responsible for. It is labour intensive and has me nearly moving into my work. What to do, nothing? This is my job and pregnancy is not a disease. The only problem is I am getting more and more exhausted. I have not been able to rest this whole pregnancy. I have wondered how important rest is during pregnancy. Well I am nearly done and will just have to see what happens closer to the time. I am seeing my Cardiologist next week. He always knows what to do.

Thanks for the advice.

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Wow--those are long work hours. Is it a lot of sitting/desk work? Anyway, you are correct--work is not going to harm your pregnancy. It may affect how well you feel, however, since you are also managing POTS. I was doing OK at your stage--it wasn't until later that I was completely exhausted. Anyway, everyone's pregnancy is different and most POTS patients feel better and better as the pregnancy progresses. Rest is important during pregnancy--so yes, please talk to your doctor if you have concerns about it!

I am thinking of you!


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