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legs of lead


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Guest CyberPixie

It's not just me then ;0) I get extreme heaviness and pressure from my throat into my chest and down my legs. It feels like a really heavy, dragging sensation. It's not nice, it stops me from physically doing anything, even sit up sometimes.

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Good morning!

I too have legs that feel so heavy that it's like trying to walk through quick sand just to take a step. I haven't found anything that works as a relief when this happens..... just seems to take longer to get where I need to go (even if it's into another room in the house). Hang in there, you're not alone!

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Oh yes, if my b/p is very low and I have gained too much fluids. My heart feels like it is going to push out of my chest and even sometimes my back. Also my legs feel like they are extra heavy. Almost too heavy to even walk sometimes.

Sometimes even when I do not have all of that extra fluid I have pressure in my chest and at night my legs feel like they are very heavy. Vanessa

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Yes! I have chest pain, and feel like some one is standing on my chest. My legs tend to hurt alot, and I feel as though I am draging them along. I find someday I don't get out of bed, due to these feelings!

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I too have trouble with heaviness in my chest soOoOo bad sometimes, I swear i'm having a heart attack. I know laying down helps, along with my medication but it's an uncomfortable feeling I am getting "used" to. I also have trouble with my legs and feet feeling heavy. (and numbness too) This is from venous pooling when we stand up. . .all the blood is RuShInG to our feet from gravity. Now if we had a normal functioning nervous system, it would take care of this for us. But we ALL can't be that lucky, lol. :) Keep on smilin' and lifting those heavy legs, it only gets worse if you don't walk around. (your othostatic tolerance will degenerate) Oh, and you could try compression hose although they are uncomfy and make me feel 100 yrs old. lol. Best of luck,


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