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Another update on roselover from Mayo


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Well, everyone, here it is, Thursday morning. I just completed the basic autonomic tests. They only make you stand on the tilt table for ten minutes so it wasn't as bad as others I've had. They're trying to get us in with an autonmic specialist but we only have today and tomorrow so I am praying for a miracle to get in to see one of them. Dr. Low is not here this week, but I may get to see one of the others.

Yesterday was HORRIBLE. I had a seven hour test of the muscles of my stomach and I sat with a tube down my throat, gagging and trying not to wretch.

I have more testing today and tomorrow and hopefully we'll get in with one of the autonomic specialists and then we have our final appointment with the Motility specialist. This is an amazing place!!!!!!

Thank you so much for all of your prayers and good thoughts. I hope I learn something to pass on to all of you, but you are all a great support.

Love Roselover

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Hi, Roselover it is good to hear from you. I'm so glad your hanging in there- I know it must be incredibly hard. Yesterday sounded awful (yuck!). Let us know if you get to see an autonomic specialist. Good luck!


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sending lots of (((HUGS))) and and love & good thoughts & prayers your way.

hang in there,

B) melissa

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I'm sorry I haven't been able to chip in sooner....I've been following your posts and really, really, really keeping you in my thoughts and hoping for the best!

Just wanted to know to if you had ever figured out the deal with the PICC line and lidocaine? I wanted to second morgan that it could have been the PICC line and not the Lidocaine. I had an awful time with the PICC line...and didn't realize how BAD it was until I got it out!

Well, I'm back to resting, but wanted to let you know you are in my thoughts A LOT!

Love, emily

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