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tachy worse with sinus infection?

Deb M.

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Hi Everyone,

I haven't posted in quite a while... I have innappropriate sinus tachycardia and was actually doing better and able to go back to work teaching this September! The docs had finally found a dose of Atenolol which stopped my chest pains/palpitations and made me somewhat functional!

However, my chest discomfort has been starting to come back this week and I have a horrible sinus infection, which sent me to the Emergency Room yesterday. The doctor told me not to take a decongestant, since it is a stimulant and will cause my heart to race. ugh! I'm miserable...

Anyway...my question is does your tachycardia worsen when you catch a cold/sinus infection/flu?? Even if you are on a beta-blocker??

I'm starting to feel more dizzy than I normally am again and when I stand up I can feel my heart beating and the palpitations!! Very frustrating... especially when I have a classroom full of children to teach!!

Sorry I'm so long winded. :D

Thanks for reading...

Deb M.

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Deb, my symptoms are always worse when I'm sick. When I was hospitalized with a sinus infection and pneumonia a few years ago, my resting heart rate stayed in the 100 to 120 range. The illness just adds to the load on the autonomic system.


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Hiya.. yeha i will agree with others on symptoms seems to get worse w/ other illnesses and such.. last weekend i landed in the ER.. and my resting HR was 132-140.. and had lovely spikes going to approx.160 ish...YUCKY!!!!!

have you tried a nasal spray?? I know I am ausing that Afrin nasal spray.. and it helps some..

this may sound weird.. but you can also try making acup of warm tea (decaff of course..) an kinda inhale the steam..it can also help with that nasal congestion..and menthol cough drops also help open you up.. and Eucoliptis )SP???)oil.. put a small pot of water on the stove top and and heat it.. and drop some of the oil in the pot. and that helps too..

I realize that these arent like the usual way to treat a sinus infection.. but when you lives inside of a potsy body and cant take decongestants.. and you are sensitive to so many meds that you lost count.. you learn new ways to "feel better" and defeat the congested monster that has invaded your head!!..

I hope that you feel better soon!


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I have had a chest cold and sinus infection for about 3 weeks now curtesy of my 20 month old going to a daycare for a couple of hours. I am recovering slowly with the sinuses and I did notice a increase of heart rate aldso and vertigo like symotoms when standing . My ears are killing me when I bend over or shake my head. THe cough though has gotten worse and my asthma and chronic Bronchitis is flaring up severly. I am Nadolol which is a no- no for Asthmatics but I think the neuro doc forgot about that. I did not have any problems with my Asthma during the summer mobths but now that we are going into the fall and winter things always get worse in the asthma dept. So now I have no relief with my nadilol because my breathing is affecting my heart rate and BP and so are my nebulizer and rescue inhalers. I need advice so I can help the doc tommorow at my appt. when he is looking for an new med/treatment for my tachy and arrythmia.

THanks for listening. Suggestions welcomed at this time. Hope all feel better soon. Also Flu shot did aggrevate my POTS symptoms

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I have always found whenever I get a cold or sinus infection which isn't to often it seems much worse then it use to. I kind of believe that it is a little harder trying to fight these infections off if your suffering with pots. I also believe once your infected you become weaker much easier then the norm. Hope you all start feeling better soon.....


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Hi Deb - Are you on an antibiotic to treat your sinus infection?

I have been battling a sinus infection for about a month on and off now and did 2 rounds of abx only for it to return. My GP just put me on a stronger abx that is doing the trick....

An infection will take you down, like everyone has said.

Anyway I hope you feel better :)

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