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Maxalt and side effects


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While waiting for my primary to refer me to a neurologist (still hasn't happened), I got another migraine at night. So, in desperation, I gave the maxalt another try, even though it didn't help the first time. It made me have bradycardia and lots more premature beats. My heart rate didn't get out of the 40's for a while. Very strange. I usually go from 60's to 100's upon standing. Has anyone ever had this reaction to Maxalt?



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Hi Sorry I can not be of much help.

Talk to your Doctor. I deal with Bradychardia at times normally. I have had a reaction to a med before that lowered my heart rate and the funny thing is the Doctor found it wuite odd. but hey I am quite odd LOL

My son has migraines and that is the one he takes. It helps him. But he has not symptoms like that. Do you take a preventative? I only ask because. A few months back they placed Ryan (son) on Propanolol for prevetative. Of course I questioned thi sbecasue I new what it was used for normally and thought it was odd that they use that for preventing migraines. It worked really well for him. Not so much at first. He had to increase the dose a couple times but then it worked great. it was to bad too. Since he is in a checmical dependancy outpatient treatment Propanolol is on the NO list so he had to stop taking it. Kinda weird I thought. OH well once he is done if he needs to he can start back up on it.

Take cate

corina (hopeful-girl)

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I can't take nadolol or imipramine because the low BP. I tried depakote for a while. It prevented my migraines, but it made my GI issues worse. That's why I'm being referred to a neuro. They're running out of options!! My primary called today and they have me set up for the neuro on the 17th of Nov.

Thanks for the support,


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