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Vision Issues


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I get alot of floaters, blurred vision, diming, tunnel vision.. and alot of pain and pressure behind my right eye.

DizzyGirl said this on a post and today ive noticed all of this! I have floaters, today my vision has started to go blurrey and i have alot of pain/pressure behind my right eye. When my vision blurs its like my eye shakes, or trembles really fast and i start feeling a bit spaced out for a second. Ive had floaters for along time but only noticed the blurred vision today. The pressure comes and goes occasionally. I cant play computer games cus if i do my eyes start to tremble, ive noticed that in the past, as far back as 4/5 years.

Anyone have anything like this?

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My son and I both have floaters and other visual disturbances, like feeling spacey and tunnel vision with our symptoms. I get the ocular pain with migraines especially. We both also have a lot of facial twitching around our eyes. Don't know what that's all about. Of course, you know there's the warning on video games about playing them can trigger seizures.I can't watch the news channels that have the line of news going by on the bottom of the screen. It makes me feel freaky.


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it's always best to discuss this sort of thing - especially if new for you - with a doc. it may be "nothing" but can indicate a wide variety of things.

:) melissa

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I agree with Melissa. Your vision is precious and needs to be maintained and protected. Floaters are normal but when you have a neurological or any other medical issue complicating things, regular visits to the ophthalmologist (if you can see one rather than an optometrist) are in order. You won't regret it. -Deb

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I discussed it with my doctor about 3 years ago, when i first noticed them. I got really scared and thought i was going blind but she assured me there harmless and alot of people have them. Nowerdays they go un-noticed, but in really bright places, or in the summer i notice them more.

My son and I both have floaters and other visual disturbances, like feeling spacey and tunnel vision with our symptoms. I get the ocular pain with migraines especially. We both also have a lot of facial twitching around our eyes. Don't know what that's all about. Of course, you know there's the warning on video games about playing them can trigger seizures.I can't watch the news channels that have the line of news going by on the bottom of the screen. It makes me feel freaky.


Facial twitching and VERY! bad twitching around the eyelids is very common for me and is very annoying. The feeling of my eyelid twitching is now a part of liife, ive had it for a good 4 years or so. First time i noticed my vission shake or tremmble was when i was playing a football game on a Playstation 2 about 3 years ago, all the player running around ect.

All has been discussed with a doctor on a number of occasions and my vision is perfect ;)

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