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POTS unknown origin ?

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Does anyone have any insights into the following ?

For years I have felt sick on and off, this winter I had a mental collapse and decided to get bloodwork. Was diagnosed with celiac disease and undifferentiated connective tissue disease (first opinion) 

I got a second opinion from a rheumatologist who said I have an autoimmune condition but I definitely don’t have a rheumatic one. He referred me to a GI for my celiacs and positive SMA. He also diagnosed me with POTS.

But POTS is more of a symptom right ? My symptoms have gotten so much worse ( it’s been 3 months since I stopped eating gluten for the celiacs) . A lot worse during menstruation . Also have developed muscle twitches.

Does anyone have anecdotal info as to what their POTS is accompanied by? 
Does anyone suffer from long covid related POTS?

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I’m not sure where mine came from. My family thinks Covid but I was also a cancer patient and my chemo dose was too high so I had chemo toxicity and almost lost my life. Pots/ Disautonomia has been way worse than the cancer experience. I’m miserable everyday. The anxiety is awful and I’m on Atavan! Have tried others. 

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18 hours ago, Wayward_Phoenix said:

But POTS is more of a symptom right ?

Hello @Wayward_Phoenix - POTS is a disorder with a GROUP of symptoms, hence it is called syndrome. It is an autonomic dysfunction and often is caused by or accompanied by auto-immune issues. Not everyone with autoimmune illness has POTS and not everyone with POTS has autoimmune problems. Here is some info from our website 



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@JbjThanks for sharing . 
My symptoms seem to have been slowly creeping up on me for years now they’ve reached some type of peak, it could be from Covid .

And i have horrid anxiety as well, I’m not taking meds cause im trying to menage with cbd. Im sorry you’re miserable every day , it’s rough not being able to feel at peace ! I feel you. 
In fact the only real relief I’ve gotten in years has been from recreational use of psychedelics….im gonna do more research on this as to why  

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@Sarah Tee

Newly diagnosed with POTS although I realize I’ve been having subtle symptoms for years . I’m curious why all of the sudden it got so much worse . 
I was told to drink more water and add more salt to my diet 

Sodium and salt tends to elevate my heart rate and promote panic and anxiety so feel conflicted with that advice …

I was referred to a cardiologist but don’t neurologists deal with ANS dysfunction as well? Do you know ?

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3 hours ago, Wayward_Phoenix said:


Newly diagnosed with POTS although I realize I’ve been having subtle symptoms for years . I’m curious why all of the sudden it got so much worse . 
I was told to drink more water and add more salt to my diet 

Sodium and salt tends to elevate my heart rate and promote panic and anxiety so feel conflicted with that advice …

I was referred to a cardiologist but don’t neurologists deal with ANS dysfunction as well? Do you know ?

POTS typically waxes and wanes.  Unfortunately for many of us the reasons are rarely clear.  There can be clear triggers including infection, pregnancy, etc.

Yes more salt and fluids is typical treatment for POTS.  The salt helps expand blood volume.

Yes specialists in dysautonomia are typically cardiologists (EPs frequently) or neurologists.  We maintain a list of specialists here:

Physicians - Dysautonomia Information Network (DINET)

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