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Why do I feel so judge because Im on a Mobility Scooter?


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I'm really struggling mentally using a mobility which I need for longer distances or when I know I'm gonna need to stand for long e.g picking my children up from school. The problem is how people are treating me like I'm an alien! Most people can't even look at me.  Earlier today I went to get bloods at the hospital, got off my scooter to walk to the toilet a few meters away and when I got back on my scooter the girl sat there laughed at me. She obviously thought can you walk to the toilet and then get back on your scooter like u even need that.

I have never felt that I'm different to anyone else in my life until now, how everybody either stare's at me or awkwardly won't look at me. One of the mothers even laughed at me as she was walking towards me, again like seriously u need to be on that.

I feel like I can relate to a lot of people now like even down to someone who is a different race, religion etc because you're made to feel like you're different, because people can be so judgemental. 

I just don't know how to toughen myself up with this

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Unfortunately, I think this is a common problem with invisible illnesses. When my husband pushes me in my wheelchair at the store, no one makes any disrespectful comment or jeer or laugh. When I use one of the motorized wheelchairs that the store provides? Completely different story.

besides just trying to ignore mean people, you could always get one of those witty T-shirts that talks about whichever illness you have. That way, people can read your T-shirt and understand that you do have a medical reason for using a scooter! They sell cute ones on Etsy!

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@Nin I also use a wheel chair - and sometimes a seated walker - whenever long periods of standing are expected. If I am in a big store or mall I use the electric wheel chairs they provide. I no longer feel insecure about this, despite the occasional judgmental frown - simply because I know that the attention I get from sitting in a wheel chair is better than the attention I get when I wake up from passing out. 


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If someone laughs, ask them: “What’s the joke – do share!” (in a friendly tone).

If someone makes a comment about your walking, say: “Yes, I can walk, but only about five metres. Then I pass out and you’d need to put me in the recovery position and call an ambulance.”

If someone stares, say: “Hi, sorry, do we know each other? I’m terrible with faces!”.

I’m sorry some people are jerks. I don’t know where they got their bad manners. I remember it was drilled into me when I was young never to stare at people or comment on disabilities or differences, probably a bit old fashioned but better than pestering or staring at people.

I don’t use a mobility aid, but I’ve noticed that if I say I’m unwell when dealing with a bank or similar, some people will become patronising and proceed to treat me like a five-year-old.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I try to wear my disability proudly! Like a Purple Heart. We didn’t ask for this. We put in our time and continue to contribute to society. I am not shy about letting my feelings and my rights be known! And you can make quite an exit with a walker!

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