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Gallstone pain in teenager


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My daughter has daily abdominal and chest pain, nausea and some new episodes of very low bp (80 over 50). MRI and ultrasound scan  were negative for gallstones but she still has raised liver levels. Also cystitis and green/ yellow in stools. Gastroenterologist suggesting a virus or gallstones. 
Is there a link between PoTs and gallstones? Has anyone had similar symptoms? Also at what level low bp should PoTs patients  go to hospital? 

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8 hours ago, Emily22 said:

Is there a link between PoTs and gallstones? Has anyone had similar symptoms? Also at what level low bp should PoTs patients  go to hospital? 

@Emily22 I am not aware of any relation between gallstones and POTS per se, but any illness or infection can worsen our symptoms. As to when to go to the hospital - if she has persistent low BP with symptoms like dizziness or feeling faint she should be evaluated. It is possible that she is dehydrated and may benefit from an infusion. Is she eating and drinking OK?

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@Emily22 I used to get very nauseous with salt tablets and had to stop them. I eat a lot of salty snacks throughout the day, so I get enough salt that way. For nausea I take zofran, it really helps. It comes in orally dissolving tablets, so it works fast

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As far as going to the hospital--I know how difficult that is.  Do you have a GP or specialist you can call who can help evaluate?  She might benefit from IV fluids as Pistol mentioned.  When I am in a flare my dr orders IV saline that I get every other day.  It helps to stabilize me greatly--at least I am not on the floor/lying down constantly due to dizziness.

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